Author Topic: Are they one day Restore the Line from the Brige And Beyond? =)  (Read 10916 times)

Matthew Gustafson

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Are they one day Restore the Line from the Brige And Beyond? =)
« on: November 02, 2008, 03:30:23 PM »
I would love to see How the Line Looks Beyound the Brige to see if it can be Restored for trains to run on? :)
Steam Department Volunteer at the Illinois Railway Museum.

Pete "Cosmo" Barrington

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Re: Are they one day Restore the Line from the Brige And Beyond? =)
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 10:15:55 PM »
I belive you are confusing your museums here!
It sounds like you are asking about the Maine Narow Guage Museum. You need to pay a little more attention to not just what you post, but where.
Also, you need not post the same repetative question on so many threads. The answer is going to wind up the  same for every thread.
I don't want to sound mean, but repetition does get a wee bit annoying after a while.

Ed Lecuyer

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Re: Are they one day Restore the Line from the Brige And Beyond? =)
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 08:18:46 AM »
Hi Matt,

I believe that both the Maine Narrow Gauge and the Sandy River Railroad park are both limited by a bridge (or lack thereof) on one side of the line. Which operation are you referring to?

Regardless, the answer is probably the same... money and volunteers.

Ever since Linwood Moody so elegantly described his beloved "lilliputs" in "The Maine Two Footers", there has been a desire to rebuild them for future generations to experience and enjoy. (If you don't have a copy of Moody's "The Maine Two Footers" be sure to put it on your Christmas list - you can get it through our gift shop.) Unfortunately, railroads are very expensive to build and operate.

We all have grandiose plans in the back of our head. Many a person comes to the WW&F and wants to know how far we can build and how long it will take. Everyone would love to see steam again on the Wiscasset waterfront - but the money (and environmental permits) that would take is astronomical. Likewise, we keep pushing northward toward Albion (and there is even some track there already) - but the reality of crossing a major river, rebuilding a ROW on top of (or around) a highway that has been relocated on the right of way, and through land that is under private ownership (with houses built atop it) keep those dreams in check.

As I said in another post, get involved. We'd love to have you - and maybe someday your grandchildren can ride to Albion on the railroad that you helped build.

-Ed Lecuyer
Asst. Moderator, WW&F Forum
Ed Lecuyer
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Stewart "Start" Rhine

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Re: Are they one day Restore the Line from the Brige And Beyond? =)
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 02:38:23 PM »
Matt,  See my other post regarding the missing bridge over the Sandy River.   It explains how the river crossing prevents the SR&RL from being able to build south.  As Ed said,  it takes time, volunteers and lots of $$ to complete a project like that.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 02:41:32 PM by Stewart Rhine »

Allan Fisher

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Phillips Covered Bridge over the Sandy River
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 12:00:45 PM »
If I heard correctly my last time I was in Phillips, the land owner who owns the approach to the former covered bridge on the Phillips side may donate this very small parcel, and the town owns the rest of the right of way into the American Legion Hall. (Phillips Station.) Money to restore the bridge may not be impossible, as there are a couple of deep pockets awaiting in the woods up their in Franklin County.
Allan Fisher

Paul Horky

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Re: Are they one day Restore the Line from the Brige And Beyond? =)
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2008, 05:54:41 AM »
Allen sometime ago on the Sandy River board there was talk that they and the Legion were tring to work a deal. Did this fall though and the town take it? Or has the town always owned the station area since the railroad abanded ?

Duncan Mackiewicz

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Re: Are they one day Restore the Line from the Brige And Beyond? =)
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2008, 11:57:53 AM »
On one of my visits to the SR&RL museum site I was told that they were hoping to work out a deal with the marines to help re-build the bridge.  The blueprints for the proposed bridge were on-site at that time.  They also said that ownership of both sides of the river at the site of the re-build was a necessity of the plan.  That was a few years ago and their plans may have changed.  Regardless, unless Allan is correct about folks with deep pockets being in the wings there is little that will happen without significant funding enhancements. 

Allan Fisher

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Phillips Depot
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2008, 09:34:39 PM »
There is an open ended offer from the American Legion folks in Phillips to sell the Depot to the museum if they can replace the building either in money or in kind - Five years ago that cost was estimated to be about $125,000.

Of course, there is really no rush to buy the Depot until the possibility of rebuilding track to it is realized and construction on the bridge is scheduled.

Stewart is correct - all it takes is money and volunteers!
Allan Fisher