Yet another fantastic day.
I worked on the parts and pieces to the south coupler. Got those ready and while there was still plenty of help. We installed it. I took photos to hopefully show what goes into one of these.
While I was getting the parts ready, Stewart and Zack worked on a rod.

Coupler assemby.
Spring with the plates I modified

Cheek Irons (with the vertical holes) and cheek plates against the beams.
The plates that can be seen on the top of the beam are used to hold everything together. I thought I had gotten a picture of that, but my camera was cold and not acting right.

Coupler assembly ready to install

Finished coupler

Also we finished the floor on the south end.

Stweart and Zack did another rod

And probably the coolest picture of the day. Jason welding on the truck frame. Stephen H. Could have had a great shot here, but mine came out good I think.