Author Topic: The Chamber of Commerce Event  (Read 7082 times)

John McNamara

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The Chamber of Commerce Event
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:37:26 PM »
In addition to Stephen's great picture, does anyone have any additional information about the Chamber of Commerce event? When was it held? How many came? Any special features? How/why did it happen to get organized?

You know - the usual newspaper person's questions ;)


James Patten

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Re: The Chamber of Commerce Event
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 06:18:45 AM »
The Wiscasset Region Chamber is a new (this year) organization.  Steve Z has been fairly intimately involved with it.  One of the things they do is Business After Hours - I'm assuming it's much like any other type of BAH: One business hosts all the other members at their place of business, providing light refreshments and the like; the members learn about the host and what they do or offer.

This BAH was held on Thursday October 6, and the only reason it was so late is because when Steve tried to sign us up every earlier time had been taken.  I think there were around 50 people that came (including our people).  Personnel from Sarah's Cafe served food and drinks in the shop extension Bay 3 (the tables used later became work benches for the Reefer project).  #10 was fired up and hauled a train which departed at 6 for the north end, then returned to AC and ran around the train, and returned in the dark.  Stewart took at least 2 people out to the yard limit and back on the railcar.

As I left before the train returned, someone else that was there will need to report on that portion of it.

We are going to try to get a BAH for mid-spring next year, so that we get publicity before the summer season starts, rather than afterward which usually seems to be how things work with us.

Steve Zuppa

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Re: The Chamber of Commerce Event
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 12:29:36 PM »

About 38 +/- members of the Wiscasset Area Chamber of Commerce attended the event. Chamber President Chris Dilts dropped by before the event to let us know he wouldn't be able to attend due to a family emergency. I introduced him to Zack and Jason and a few others and he thanked us for hosting. This was the first BAH held outside Wiscasset and served to emphasize that it is an area Chamber and not just a Wiscasset one.

Due to the nature of the occasion, we added coach 3 to the train and everyone rode in it. Fred was at one end and I was at the other narrating and pointing out the sights. The train left Sheepscot at 6 and by the time we headed back it was almost full dark. Gordon Cook had the cylinder cocks open all the way back so the coach was bathed in steam.

At the end of the evening it is customary for the President to make a few remarks. Since Chris couldn't make it, that chore fell to David Stapp, the owner of Ocean Point Aviation (who also had hosted a  BAH event). After thanking everyone for coming and us for hosting, he started singing our praises. He referred to the train ride he had just been on as "magical" and said that we were a "tremendous asset to the community" and that the community was "lucky to have us". Heady stuff from the guy who gave us plane rides when he had his BAH.

Of the chamber attendees, I'm guessing about half of them had never been to the museum and half of those had never heard of us. As is usually the case, everyone left smiling. One of the members, a local contractor, offered us the use of his mini excavator if we needed it. We made a lot of new friends and increased our visibility at the same time.

Don't ask me. I only cut the grass. Oops, I don't even do that anymore.

John McNamara

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Re: The Chamber of Commerce Event
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2011, 02:22:20 PM »
Thanks Steve and James,

Obviously fuel for a newsletter article! ;D


Wayne Laepple

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Re: The Chamber of Commerce Event
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 02:28:55 PM »
I would make the case that this is exactly the kind of community involvement the WW&F Railway Museum needs. The Chamber of Commerce usually involves the well-connected movers and shakers in the business community, and they can be very helpful to the WW&F in myriad ways. Becoming involved in this network can only bring good results.

Mike Fox

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Re: The Chamber of Commerce Event
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2011, 09:02:20 PM »
Did he say Mini excavator??? Could be someone we'd like to get to know better.
Doing way too much to list...

Dave Buczkowski

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Re: The Chamber of Commerce Event
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2011, 09:44:34 PM »
I didn't know Mini made excavators. Don't tell my wife or she'll want one to go along with her Clubman!