Author Topic: Moving from Portland  (Read 7892 times)

Ed Lecuyer

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Moving from Portland
« on: September 15, 2010, 04:56:00 PM »
"Moving from Portland" has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum.
Some formatting may have been removed or modified from the original postings that appear quoted in this topic.
Information contained within this post may be superseded by more recent postings and conversations.

Glenn Christensen wrote:
Hi Guys,

Check out the latest post from Hans Brandes.  You won't be disappointed.

Best Regards.

Mike Fox replied:
Thanks Glenn. Not much conversation over on that so I don't check it often.

htbrandes replied:
Hi Guys,

Just got back from a scouting tour of Hiram and Bridgton. Not much on the Bridgton Juncton end as this is now an alder grove, Rt 5 cuts this off and then it is a muddy road at Scribners with a sand pit.

Then it was off to the Bridgton end. Things look more interesting here. Stopped on Rt 107 at Sandy's and saw what is now a snowmobile/ATV trail.

Need you guys help here. Who owns this ROW? Could any of it in this area be turned back into RR? Not sure what we've got for distances on either side of Rt 107 before the next public grade crossing. What about the school at the end of Depot Street. Is that staying?

We meet with the Town of Bridgton in a few weeks. Satellite option to start may be a possibility. We will only pursue if there is available land and ROW.

Glenn Christensen replied:
Hi Hans,

Let me share what I know.

From the Rt. 107 crossing in Sandy Creek, the right-of-way extends southward for approximately 6 miles to the next paved crossing at Swamp Road at Hancock Pond.  The stations on this stretch of track included (north-to-south) South Bridgton, Ingalls Road, and Perleys Mills.  The roadbed is clear for almost the whole distance, although some of it was becoming a bit rough the last time I was there (a decade ago).  Some subsidence and overgrowth of the grade was noted south of Perleys Mills where it crosses a bog.

Someone with more current knowledge could certainly correct me, but as of my last visit, all intervening roads were dirt and I would be absolutely amazed if any of them have been paved since then.  There were two bridges on this stretch that I recall and the cut granite abutments for both were still there and in good condition.  This portion of the ROW would appear to be the easiest to restore to railroad use from a construction perspective at least.  The track bed is now used as a dirt-bike/snowmobile trail and those resulting issues would have to be worked out.

The ROW - and the narrow gauge for that matter - was owned by the town of Bridgton in the railroad's later years.  I speculate they still owned the land after the railroad was torn up - but i don't know that for a fact.  As you know, subsequent ownership changes are being researched by a local party and I would most definitely defer to him.

It was two miles north by train from Sandy Creek to Bridgton.  Paved road crossings on that stretch today total 3 - Rt. 107, Sandy Creek Road, and Willett Road.   Intervening parcels of this ROW have been recycled - including a rather lagre stretch that eventually become the town dump or "transfer station".  The dump has since been closed and capped off.  Alternate routes around the off-loaded parcels did and possibly still exist.  The same is true of the ROW from Hancock Pond south.  I would be happy to discuss this information privately.  Drop me an email and we can exchange contact information.

Best Regards,
Glenn Christensen

htbrandes replied:

Thanks for the info. A couple of things would be very helpful to make this work.

1. An editorial in the Bridgton News says that the memorial school may go back to the town. This would then open up space for a station/yard/museum. Do you have any more insight if that is a possibility? This would give us property in the right place with a visible presence.

2. One thought would be to put the end of track right down Depot Street (just like in Silverton). This would add more visibility.

The closer we could put rail to Rt 302 the better. We have enough equipment, rail, ties, etc to establish a toehold.


Mike Fox replied:
I am opposed to a return to the Bridgton Yard. Not enough chance to do anything. The roadbed would have to be lifted 3 to 6 feet to clear the new Hannaford entrance then a town road. Then CMPs lawn would need to be crossed. And you would get to Route 117 after crossing a bridge or 2 and have to stop. The landfill has taken this area over. And there is no way through.
Unfortunately, now is not the time to travel the right of way South of Sandy Creek. 3 Weeks ago we could have gone on Snowmobile and seen the whole thing Sandy Creek to Perley's Mills. It will be a few more weeks before it is passable by vehicle, maybe longer in places. ATV would work fine.
I have my own idea where the yard could be. The area of Perleys Mill Station was a large flat area. A nice location for a small yard etc. Then build North towards Bridgton.

htbrandes replied:

Others have said the same thing. Though the easiest miles are south of Sandy's we somehow would need exposure to make the public aware that we are there. We could have the best ride through the woods, but if no one knew how to find us then that would not be viable.

Currently we still have a few hundred feet of rail and ties sitting in Harrison at Scribner's Mills from when we took MRR 3 up there. We could pick this up and move it right over to Bridgton and bring up the railbus to operate if we could secure it when not operating. It would also be nice to bring up something and place it near the Chamber of Commerce to show that there might be rail in town. Maybe a local vocational school would be interested in rebuilding an old B&H box car. We have quite a few of those lying around.


Mike Fox replied:
Good points Hans. Keep us posted on what you find out about the ROW.

htbrandes replied:
Question for all of you. In our discussions with the Town of Bridgton, they have mentioned there might be some open space along side 302 about a mile long. Anyone know where this might be? Is this part of the ROW to Harrison? If so, would that be on the east side of 302?

Although a mile is a good distance, not sure if we want something that has no growth potential or is not on the historic ROW.

Any input?

RG479 replied:
I'm guessing, but the row they are talking about runs from the CMP Office to where it crosses 117 and goes into the landfill. It is parallel to 302, but I thought some of the business's have encroached on the row.
I would be in favor of relocating in Hiram, running from Bridgeton Junction up past Scribner's Mill (now a gravel pit) and run to Rankins Mill. Yes it crosses 113, but is that really an issue as the railroad is already under FRA jurisdiction. The Scribner's Mill area is a gravel pit and could be the site for a modern shop/ museum building. Bridgeton Junction could be rebuilt just as it was in B&H days, ride the train to the museum. The ROW from Rankins Mill through to Sandy Creek is driveable by 4X4 with some areas near Hancock Lake bypassed. All of the grade is open to snowmobiles.
What we need is a "Trails To Rails" entitlement program from the Federal Government.

Bob Meckley
Glen, NH

Glenn Christensen replied:
Question for all of you. In our discussions with the Town of Bridgton, they have mentioned there might be some open space along side 302 about a mile long. Anyone know where this might be? Is this part of the ROW to Harrison? If so, would that be on the east side of 302?

Although a mile is a good distance, not sure if we want something that has no growth potential or is not on the historic ROW.

Any input?

Hi Hans,

I think when they're talking about "open space a mile long", they are probably thinking about providing a right-of-way behind the existing businesses (several of which currently block the original right of way) along the western side of Rt 302.

I agree this should be do-able assuming the businesses would agree to it.  New grading would be necessary for this, but an experienced civil engineer (and MNG has access to at least one VERY good one that I know of) should have no problems finding a feasible route that could be cleared with mostly saws and a bull-dozer. You could later pick up the original right of way closer to Sandy Creek.

The problem is where you put the terminal facilities.

There are a limited number of available parcels along Rt. 302 that remain suitable for this purpose.  You'll be able to see them when you peruse the website below.

The former right of way is very visible.

To my way of thinking, the prime location for terminal facilities would be behind the existing visitors center in the area formerly inhabited by the Harrison wye.  There is enough land there to recreate the Bridgton yard in its entirety (foot by foot) and provide adequate parking and museum facilities.  Downtown would be easily accessible and you'd remain very visible to Rt. 302.  If later the Middle School on the old yard should be rendered redundant you could still run a spur to Depot Street (a la Silverton) and the immediate downtown area.  (FYI - Its interesting to note, the B&SR actually projected extending their track from the original Bridgton terminal, across Willett Brook, to Depot Street.  They just never did it.)

Heading south and assuming you can get around the Hannaford supermarket (and you only need a clear strip about 10 to 20 feet wide to do this), you'd still have to cross Willett Road and then cut across the front of Central Maine power as Mike mentioned.  But from there it is theoretically possible to run behind the businesses on the western side of Rt. 302 down to Sandy Creek Road.  Once there, you'd have to cross the road behind the new ball field area and remain on the east/south side of Willet Brook to bypass the landfill which blocks the old right of way.   Past the landfill you could cross over Willett Brook at some appropriate spot and pick up the old right of way just east of Sandy Creek.  Again we're not talking advanced engineering for any of this, but we are talking getting all the permissions and approvals needed for establishing/acquiring a new right-of-way and then constructing same.  This whole process could take some time that isn't necessarily available at the moment.

A problem, but there is an intermediate approach though that *COULD* work.

Establish temporary terminal facilities west of Rt 107 in Sandy Creek and get that operation up and running.  At the same time, everyone could begin work on providing a right-of-way north, alongside Rt. 302 to a permanent Bridgton terminal area.

My two cents and worth every penny you've paid for them.

Best Regards,

Mike Fox replied:
As far as the Mile long strip goes, I don't think there are any businesses on the ROW. CMP might put up a little fuss when you carve into their green grass, but perhaps they might favor the idea. One never knows.
As for the Wye area, the Town of Bridgton has used this as sort of a log dump. could be cleaned up easily by them if needed.And they have filled in other areas too that would fit in as Glenn stated.

Glenn Christensen replied:
As far as the Mile long strip goes, I don't think there are any businesses on the ROW. CMP might put up a little fuss when you carve into their green grass, but perhaps the might favor the idea. One never knows.
As for the Wye area, the Town of Bridgton has used this as sort of a log dump. could be cleaned up easily by them if needed.And they have filled in other areas too that would fit in as Glenn stated.

If you're right Mike, that would be INCREDIBLE!!!

Best Regards,

Glenn Christensen replied:
Hi Guys,

I've just been looking at the area below the Bridgton wye using MicroSoft Virtual Earth (See the link below.)

The aerial phots are the most current I have seen to date and show the Hannaford Supermarket and its relationship to the old B&SR grade with good clarity.  It appears that it will be difficult to get a recreated RR across the Portland Street entrance to the store.  To make matters worse, the store's sign seems to sit either on or very close to the old grade.  Adapting the site to provide rail egress from the former wye area (at least along the original alignment) could prove an expensive proposition and I don't see any less expensive alternatives.

Any thoughts from you guys?

Best Regards,

Glenn Christensen replied:

It appears that it will be difficult to get a recreated RR across the Portland Street entrance to the store ...  Adapting the site to provide rail egress from the former wye area (at least along the original alignment) could prove an expensive proposition and I don't see any less expensive alternatives.

Hello again,

Well, I've had a night to sleep on it.  I think the best approach would be to resite the eastern entrance to Hannaford's further north towards the visitors center.  This would serve three purposes.  First, the entrance would be further from the Willett road/Portland St. intersection - enhancing public safety.  Second, the entrance could also be used to provide ingress for visitors to the museum site.  And third, it would bypass the multiple problems of having a nasty hump/blocking traffic to the store.  A crossing on the shorter existing ramp (where cars might be sitting) wouldn't be safe.  But extend the road a bit and ... voila ...

I can only add, that whatever MNG decides will be fine with me - but the prospect or a reborn B&SR has certainly gotten me excited!!!

Best Regards,

petecosmob replied:
I can only add, that whatever MNG decides will be fine with me - but the prospect or a reborn B&SR has certainly gotten me excited!!!

I'm with Glenn on this one 100%!!
I'd long wondered what the chances of a return to Bridgeton were, but until now all the talk sounded quite dismal.
The sudden enthusiasm and positive talk is both exciting and inspiring!

Mike Fox replied:
Thanks for the link. That worked well. I can see that maybe the only business that might occupy the ROW would be the boat dealership. I have not been on that stretch. Didn't think I would miss much. I can say that this is the only stretch I have not been on. Guess I'll make it a point to go walk that some day.

Glenn Christensen replied:
Guess I'll make it a point to go walk that some .

Thanks Mike,

If you have the opportunity, could you also check along the east and south bank of Willett Brook, just south of Sandy Creek Road?

With the landfill covering the old right-of-way into Sandy Creek on the north bank and houses apparently blocking the northern shoulder of the road closer into Sandy Creek, it would appear that the only way to connect back to the old ROW east of Rt. 107 would be to follow the Brook on the south bank and cut back over at some point west of the landfill.

Another possibility to obtain frontage on Rt. 302 would be to actually start the line on the south corner of Rt.302 and Sandy Creek Road and run due west along the south bank to the cut-over point.  I understand that corner property may already be ear-marked for a ball field, bur maybe a trade for the old wye site could arranged if a clear route from the wye site to Sandy Creek Road can't be identified.

I've never traversed land in question before and as I live 1,200 miles away in Columbus, Ga - I can't easily do it myself.  I would be VERY interested in hearing your opinion as to whether or not either route would be feasible for RR use assuming a right of way could be procured.

If not, it would would seem that the only practicable site for a northern terminus would be on the west side of Rt. 107 in Sandy Creek... unless another connecting route around the landfill can be found.

Best Regards,

Duncan Mackiewicz replied:
I've walked that stretch along 302 and the actual row gets a bit fuzzy due to excessive atv traffic.  However, you can go out into the creek area from the boat dealership to the first of two sets of bridge abutments.  At that point when you turn back toward the dealership the row can be seen a bit more clearly.  It appeared to me to possibly encroach on the row along the very rear edge but after that there is clear movement all the way several hundred yards. At that point there is an area where the row goes straight up an embankment but the atv trail goes down to the left.  It seemed to me that there was a back lot to one of the businesses that encroached onto the row.  A bit hazy on the details as it's been several years since I hiked it (the dunkin donuts was just being erected and the Hannaford was just being started). With a bit of creativity, I think the row could be "adjusted" to get around most of the obsrtuctions.  If you have never been out into the Sandy Creek row between 302 and 117 you should make the trip.  Two sets of granite abutments with the embankments still entact although heavily overgrown.  If you go to page 27 of the B & SR photos on Nerail you will see some of the pics I took along that stretch.

htbrandes replied:
So here is the first basic step. We have about 300 feet of rail sitting on the ground in Harrison, all of 5 miles away from Bridgton. We need to get it out of there as the landowner may be trying to sell our rail!

We can either haul it all the way back to Portland or we could put it behind the Chamber of Commerce in Bridgton. Problem is that we don't have much of any equipment  (back hoe and trailer) to take it apart and move it to Bridgton.

As an initial showing of interest, do you think anyone in the Bridgton area would be willing to help us out if they choose to want to set up some track in town?

Once that happened we can then think about sending a car up.

htbrandes replied:
The idea here would be to see if a small satellite operation would be of interest to Bridgton. If not, we'll take the rail home to Portland and throw it on the pile with the rest of our spare rail.

Mike Fox replied:
OK. Here is a link to that.
Glenn, I am sure that it could be done as you say around the transfer station. The problem would be a land issue again. I think I'll wait and see of what becomes in Bridgton before I start looking in that direction.

htbrandes replied:
The idea here would be to see if a small satellite operation would be of interest to Bridgton. If not, we'll take the rail home to Portland and throw it on the pile with the rest of our spare rail.

Glenn Christensen replied:
I think I'll wait and see of what becomes in Bridgton before I start looking in that direction.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Best Regards,

Glenn Christensen replied:
So here is the first basic step. We have about 300 feet of rail sitting on the ground in Harrison, all of 5 miles away from Bridgton. We need to get it out of there as the landowner may be trying to sell our rail!

As an initial showing of interest, do you think anyone in the Bridgton area
would be willing to help us out if they choose to want to set up some track in town?

Once that happened we can then think about sending a car up.

Hi Hans,

I think what you're proposing is a REALLY GOOD IDEA!!!  In fact it would be a good way to gauge local commitment to the project.

Small steps are a good way to build confidence and trust.  Its going take a partnership of local and museum interests to really make this project work.  So requesting local assistance to help with a narrowly-defined task of this type would in my opinion, be a really good way to get the ball rolling.

Understanding that MNG will be sending a delegation up to Bridgton in a couple weeks and given the make-up of the Bridgton delegation, this subject would be a very appropriate matter to raise at that time.  The Bridgton representatives should have the "where-with-all" to get the word out to the community and muster a contingent of local volunteers, to supplement the MNG crew.  If they can also provide equipment to transport the track materials too, that's even better!

If they can't or won't help, perhaps one of the alternative sites would be willing to show their support.

Best Regards,

htbrandes replied:

Thanks for the input. We will convene in Bridgton on Monday, April 28 at the town offices. It should be very interesting as both sides potentially  have a lot to offer and together can hopefully come up with a plan that MNGR can bring back for review by its board of trustees at our board meeting (April 29) and that the town and local interest would be willing to get behind.

Rail in Bridgton after 67 years? Like they said in the movie "Angels in the Outfield": "Could happen.

Stay tuned and look for an update after next week's meetings.


Glenn Christensen replied:

We will convene in Bridgton on Monday, April 28 at the town offices
Stay tuned and look for an update after next week's meetings.


Thanks Hans,

I hope the meeting goes WONDERFULLY for all parties involved and I am anxiously awaiting your report!

Best Regards,

htbrandes replied:

T-minus 7 hours and counting. We can use your help. In order to make this work it will take the "3 Ms" (Man, Machine and Money). Hopefully Bridgton will be have an interest in helping make this happening whether it be building a display track, moving rail, etc. A combination of sweat equity and donations (in kind and monetary) can make this happen.

My sense is that there is some strong interest but it must be broadened to include a larger population of public and private interests. Anything you can do to provide influence to move this in the right direction would be appreciated.


htbrandes replied:
Last night's meeting in Bridgton went very well. Three of us from MNGR met with the town manager, the Chamber of Commerce, the Bridgton HIstorical Society, the Bridgton News and a few more. The meeting lasted over 2 hours. What we wanted to get out of this is a determination of level of interest. Without that, there would be no point in continuing this.

We finally were able to develop some action steps to be able to test the local level of interest. In particular, the Chamber is meeting next week. At that meeting they will decide if they want to go ahead and commit to building a display track in front of the C of C next to Route 302. If they do, MNGR will provide a car for rehabiliation and display.

The town manager requested that a meeting be held on May 12 at the town office at 6:30 PM to invite anyone interested in participating in being involved with bringing back rail to the Bridgton area. So this will be a second checkpoint to assess interest.

If the level of interest is good we would possibly provide a B&H box car for them to fix up at the display site (think 'barn raising' here). It would attract quite an interest as many cars driving by on Route 302 would see a B&H box car being restored.

If that goes well, then we would continue talking about putting down temporary track behind the C of C on the old ROW towards the school. This would allow for some operations and would again assess interest in the area of obtaining materials, labor to lay track, etc.

Beyond that, who knows as it is way too early to tell. The goal here is to set up small achieveable steps as opposed to trying to leap too far and have nothing get accomplished.

Stay tuned,


htbrandes replied:
At our board meeting last night, the board has authorized that we continue to work with Bridgton. They were very positive in what has been done to date and have endorsed our actions to continue forward.

So now we wait for Bridgton to make its next two moves: 1. results of the Chamber of Commerce meeting, 2. results of the May 12 meeting to see what the local level of interest is. It'll be interesting to see how many will show up.

htbrandes replied:
We will know by Friday what the Chamber of Commerce situation is. Unofficially, we think that it is a go. Locals are looking at getting timbers to build the display pedestal and arranging for trucking of a car up there.

We're in discussions over which car to send and are considering sending one of the non-historic ex-Edaville conversion coaches. These could be painted Pullman green with B&H lettering with a new number as they have no historical signifigance. Let's not spread that around, but hey it might be a good first step. Just can see sending a high end car up there to sit outside unattended.

As always...stay tuned for the next chapter of the Busted & Still Running.

Glenn Christensen replied:
Thanks for the update, Hans!

It's good to hear that things are still progressing in a positive fashion!

Please continue to keep us apprised.

Best Regards,

o anderson replied:
I like the idea of sending up a conversion coach, already looking nice, to promote the project.

However, this is a historic venture, so including on B&H car, possibly a boxcar in need of a little minor woodwork and a repaint, would be key to generating local interest in the restoration project.  Still a project manager with some preservation sense would be needed in order to keep well-wishers from loving the car to death and restoring it in some non-historic fashion.

I have noted that a few locals who are actively involved can make all the difference when it comes around to a museum having good relations within its community.
O. Anderson

htbrandes replied:
The chamber has formally sent us their letter to offer us to provide a coach. We have gone through our roster and have identified one of our non-historic coaches for their use. We have drafted a lease and it is being internally reviewed. We hope to get the draft lease to Bridgton in the very near future. The first step could be realized soon. Sounds like NERail could start having Bridgton photos soon!

Mike Fox replied:
I agree with O. Anderson. It would be nice to see a B&SR boxcar being restored out in front of the Chamber building. Every time I go by, I look at the grassy spot in the middle and hope some day an authentic Bridgton car resides there.
My reasons for a boxcar? No windows to get broken. And it is something Bridgton had. Could be restored to be authentic.

Dana Deering replied:
Keep the updates coming!  When you are ready to put down some rail make sure you let us know.  I'd come up to help.


Dave Buczkowski replied:
As long as they schedule track laying as to avoid the WW&F weekends, I don't think there will be a problem raising a track crew to help out. We have a lot of members who look forward to track being laid on another original right of way that happens to be the Bridgton line.

htbrandes replied:
WW&F track weekends are sacred in the two foot community. We schedule our events around those weekends too.

We hope to be able to present our display car lease to Bridgton within the next week. Once signed all they have to do is send the truck to Portland once the display stand is up.

Mike Fox replied:
I could almost walk to a track work session. That would be nice.

John McNamara replied:
I'd have a 20-minute drive.  

Dana Deering replied:
If we are initially talking about laying enough rail to display a car then  that would take a lot less than a day.  I wasn't talking about any large scale track laying at this time.  I would never advocate jeopardizing our work weekends.


Mike Fox replied:
4 sticks of rail, 30 ties, 120 spikes, 4 joint bars and 8 bolts would be all that would be needed besides a location and some tools. And a couple of hours time.

Dave Buczkowski replied:
What would we do with the rest of the day? Might as well put down more rail!

Bill Sample replied:
Dana, guess any track project on the B&SR would be extra special for you considering your bloodline.  Great-Great Grandpa Merrifield (sp?) would be proud!  Not to mention your Grandma the narrow gauge fan.

Mike Fox replied:
Maybe we could double the amount then. Half a day and 120 feet. If it goes in the area I'm thinking though, it might be too long. All depends on where the Chamber wants it.

Imagine the fun we could have then. The WW&F work weekends, Albion Day, and maybe a future Bridgton Day.

htbrandes replied:
The draft lease for the car went through final editing yesterday and should go to the chamber in the next couple of days.

I drove through Bridgton yesterday. No sign of any building activity in front of the Chamber of Commerce. If any one has any intel on when they may start, please pass it on.

Glenn Christensen replied:
Hi Hans,

Bill Shelly is currently out of town.  I suspect things will pick up again once he gets back to Bridgton.

Best Regards,

htbrandes replied:
The draft lease is now with the chamber. The candidate car can be picked up as soon as we come to agreement on the lease.

Their move.

Glenn Christensen replied:
Hi Folks,

Interesting article.

Best Regards,

Bill Reidy replied:
Hi Glenn,

Thanks for posting the great news from Bridgton!  As I spend a bit of time in nearby Bartlett, NH during the year, I hope I am able to stop by and help out a bit with this effort (in addition to my normal visits to Sheepscot!).

- Bill

htbrandes replied:
Not a peep from Bridgton in 3 weeks. I'll be driving through town this Friday and will see if anything is going on in front of the chamber.

petecosmob replied:
Hi Folks,

Interesting article.

Best Regards,

Hey guys,
I couldn't access the archives as I am not a "Paid Patron."
(So PAY ME and I'll Patroize you!)
Can anyone who IS a subscriber cut/paste/post the article for the rest of us?

htbrandes replied:
OK guys, we seem to be 'back on track' as they saying goes. Bridgton Bill is back in town. MNGR Management Committee met on Monday and we have decided to send the flanger to Bridgton. They like this idea.

Bill says material is being prepped for the display stand and that the car will be in the 4th of July parade. So we will be putting the flanger at the head of the ramp track this Saturday in preparation for departure.

Thanks to Glenn for helping grease the wheels here.


Mike Fox replied:
That is Good news. I think it will mean more for them to have an actual Bridgton car and not something created for use elsewhere. Thanks and will be looking for it next time I am over that way.

Ira Schreiber replied:
I drove by the Bridgton C of C office. There appears to be no action on rail being laid, yet. There was a semi in the drive with a large excavator on it, however.

Glenn Christensen replied:
I drove by the Bridgton C of C office. There appears to be no action on rail being laid, yet. There was a semi in the drive with a large excavator on it, however.

Hi Ira,

I've just talked to Bill Shelley and you're right on target!

The excavator is supposed to start building a 4' mound that will form the basis for the platform where the B&SR flanger is to be displayed.  The wood for the platform edging will be delivered over the weekend and the plan is to lay track next week.  Please stop by if you can.

The flanger is scheduled to appear in Bridgton's Fourth of July parade and will then be placed on the finished platform, capping Phase 1.

Best Regards,

Ira Schreiber replied:
I drove by the C of C site at 5:30 p.m. today and all the grading is DONE and ready for track. What a good job, too. Looks great.

Glenn Christensen replied:
With the initial grading done, work starts this weekend on building the 4' high platform that will carry the flanger and its display track.  The timbers for the 10' X 40' wooden frame will arrive from the sawmill some time this weekend and once erected will be filled with earth, and topped with ballast.  The track will be laid on this.

Plans still call for the flanger to participate in Bridgton's July 4th parade, but the incessant rain has delayed the project considerably.  There is not much time remaining to build the plaform, spread the ballast, and lay the track before the 4th, so Bill Shelley is putting out a general call for volunteers.  Please call him directly if you would like to assist with the project.  Bill's home number is (207)221-0205.

On another note:
A recent article in the Bridgton News reports that train whistles have been heard around town as of late.  Some people are attributing the lonesome sound to the return of Bridgton's "Ghost Train".  The sound seems to manifest itself between 9:00 and 10:00pm and people swear it sounds just like B&SR #5.  If you are in the area keep your ears open!

Best Regards,

htbrandes replied:

Glad to hear that platform progress is coming along. The flanger is sitting at the head of the ramp track ready to go this Thursday. However...

Please help us. We have sent an updated draft lease to Bridgton C of C. They need to agree and sign this by Thursday. Included is that we need ot know that insurance is taken care of at their end. I don't want to hold up their taking the flanger but we really need to have paperwork in order.

I will try to get a hold of C of C tomorrow.


htbrandes replied:
C of C has acknoledged receipt of the lease. They are reviewing it and should have comments by tomorrow morning. I have made the call for help to load the flanger on Thursday.

Sounds like the display platform is done.


Glenn Christensen replied:
Thanks Hans!

That's GREAT news!

Best Regards,

htbrandes replied:
Flanger still has not left for Bridgton. There were problems getting a truck. They hope to move it maybe later this week. No update at this point. Word has it that the display stand is finished.
Ed Lecuyer
Moderator, WW&F Forum