Worldwide Narrow Gauges > US Two Footers

Chicago's 2 foot Underground Railway System

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o anderson:
Yes, this is the Tunnel Company equipment that is preserved at IRM.  The flatcars originally had pipe and chain fences for hauling merchandise from railroad freight terminals to department stores, etc.  The other cars are ash cars.  The locomotive and a number of cars were on an isolated stretch of tunnel at the Field Museum on the lakefront.  The tunnel was breached during reconstruction of Lakeshore Drive and the equipment was removed at that time.  Occasionally there is talk of making a short demonstration tunnel track, but I doubt this will ever amount to a working railroad.
O. Anderson

Duncan Mackiewicz:
I believe I have that same book and it is quite good.  In fact, if I'm not mistaken there are several used ones for sale on

Matthew Gustafson:
I been to the zoo some times and I was born to late to see the trains! Does anyone have any photos of the zoo train?  :(

Matthew Gustafson:
Plus those underground trains are preserved at IRM!  :D

Tom Casper:

--- Quote from: Matt3985 on November 11, 2008, 03:38:19 PM ---I been to the zoo some times and I Was born to late to see the Trains! Does anyone have any photos of the Zoo Train?  :(

--- End quote ---

Matt,  the zoo engines are preserved at Hesston Indiana.  Try a google search.

Tom C.


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