They are fine folks at Cole's. About 18 years ago, a shortline here in Pennsylvania for which I was working at the time had a BL-2, BAR no. 54, in summer excursion service. While doing the annual inspection, we discovered the front coupler shank had a serious crack which rendered the unit out of service. We also learned that it was an odd size, several inches longer than the standard couplers readily available. I phoned around to other BL-2 owners and finally landed at Cole's. I asked whether they would consider a swap, since their unit is not operable, without engine or main generator. They instantly agreed, and a couple of days later two of us head north with a truckload of tools. They were extremely friendly and helpful, and we made the switch in less than 8 hours. We installed the "new" coupler a couple of days later, and as far as I know, it's still giving good service.