For those interested, the Brecon Mtn Rwy has a website that has some photos of their Sandy River #23 under construction. Go to this website page: click on the link to see photographs, & scroll down the gallery page to the section called "Workshop". In that section there are a couple of photos of the tender under construction, and also their #3 (SR #23). Also there are stacks of parts for other locos under construction (including another "Baldwin") and other rolling stock.
Please note that there are also other photos of the Pacific elsewhere on the gallery page.
As you will see, this is a very serious operation, with every intention of building/rebuilding several Baldwin locomotives, and they have numerous stockpiles of the needed parts to do just that! They are primarily interested in the bigger Baldwin locomotives because only they are big enough to pull trains up the grade of the new section of track they have rebuilt. They cannot operate reliably on that section until they have two of the bigger locomotives. The Pacific is the first. Besides, I understand that the owner is a fan of the SR&RL!