Build Locomotive 11 - December 2024 UpdateThe WW&F Build 11 volunteers have been as busy as Santa constructing our new steam locomotive! Hark, that's Harold riveting!
Gordon Cook has been making 3-D models of the various components for locomotive 11. Here is a full rendering.

Now if Santa could only bring us a big enough 3-D printer, we'd be done with the locomotive by now! (But what fun would there be in that.)
Our latest Build 11 work session was held November 4-6. We’re continuing work on the forward suspension components. Jason Lamontagne completed the last welding operations on the main equalizer.

Harold Downey completed boring, drilling and reaming the holes in the lead truck and main equalizers. Here, Harold is drilling the center pivot hole in one of the main equalizers.

And Harold is reaming a spring hanger hole in one of the main equalizers.

Rick Sisson, Joe Monty, Harold Downey and John Pierce pressed bushings into these holes which will receive pins when the entire forward suspension system is assembled. We used both the bench arbor press and....

...this Baldwin 100 ton press which was just commissioned with Josh Recave’s assistance. Yes, Baldwin as in Baldwin Locomotive Works. In later years, BLW produced tools as well as locomotives and we're thrilled to be putting this machine to use.

One of the main equalizers complete with bushings, ready for assembly.
Rick Sisson and John Pierce also bored and reamed all the spring hangers using our enormous radial arm drill which was well suited for the task.

We will have all the equalizers and spring hangers available for final assembly for the next Build 11 work session which starts TOMORROW 12/12/2024 and runs through Saturday. Stop in and see the progress - new volunteers with shop skills are most needed to keep the project "on track".
Meanwhile, Quentin Bethune and Gordon Cook continue to fabricate the forward suspension pins needed for final assembly. Here are some of the bolts that Quentin has fabricated.

New volunteer John Pierce was tasked with drilling and reaming the remaining holes in the lead truck frame. Next, we’ll fabricate fitted bolts and complete the lead truck assembly.

We continually refer to engineering notes as we work in the shop; here is a current example specifying forward suspension system pins and bushings.

And we also make temporary shop notes. Here is an example enumerating the fitted bolts we need to complete the lead truck assembly.

With less than a month left, our 2024 fundraising has almost concluded. To date, we have received $65,716 - an impressive 131% of the $50,000 goal for 2024! Remember, you can still donate directly by check to the museum, use a credit card to donate through the gift shop, PayPal, or you can go to:
www.build11.orgWishing a Merry Christmas and a steamy New Year to all our friends, donors, and followers from the Build 11 team.