Build Locomotive 11 - April Update.On the fundraising front, we are within shouting distance of 20 percent of the goal, thanks in part to a challenge grant from John Houghton, who matched the first $1,000 that came in for March. Since we are a third of the way into the 2023 fundraiser, we have about eight months to raise the other 80 percent of the dollars. So we need to bring in an average of $5,000 a month for the balance of the year. Please help us move this project along.
Don't forget that we still have the bronze replicas of No. 7’s Baldwin Locomotive Works builder’s plate for those who can contribute $1,100 or more in one donation. The plates look great, and they’d certainly look good in someone’s man cave or train room. We also have the half size 3-D printed replica plates for a donation of $110, and the gift shop is carrying the No. 11 challenge coins for just $11.
Good progress to report again this month. Gordon and Rick, with help from Jason, were able to drill all the holes needed to attach the forward frames to the rear frame extension casting. They acquired a new magnetic base drill that was small enough to fit into the space, and they drilled the hole that was in the tightest location first, or as Rick said, “Thought we’d go for broke.” They did have to file the drill’s casing a bit, just to be certain.
Gordon was making fitted bolts again, and they drove the first one. They installed regular bolts in two holes to hold everything in perfect alignment for reaming on both sides of the rear frame casting. Gordon will make the rest of the fitted bolts in his home shop prior to the next work session, which is planned for the week leading up to the Spring Work Weekend. They expect to work Wednesday through Saturday.
It's a tight fit for the new magnetic base drill, but it gets the job done with little fuss or muss.The first fitted bolt is in place.We made chips. Drilling through all that cast iron produces lots of drill chips.Holes drilled. Each hole is faced to provide a level surface for the fitted bolts.If you are going to be at Sheepscot for the Spring Work Weekend, coming up April 28, 29 and 30, stop in the shop and to say hi and see the great progress we’re making. Everyone is welcome!