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Volunteers / Re: October 2024 work reports
« Last post by James Patten on October 09, 2024, 06:52:45 AM »
Anticipated work for weekend of October 11 - 14: Fall Work Weekend!

* Track work
* Engine house
* Loco 11 work
* Building painting & repair
* Grounds work
* Trout Brook Station work
* Rolling stock work
* Saturday 1 PM - abbreviated/quick/fast board meeting (hopefully)
* Saturday evening - presentation of the Percival Awards
* Monday - Pumpkin Trains

This is also the Damariscotta Pumpkinfest weekend - so after work take a stroll through downtown to see the big pumpkins.
Work and Events / Re: Shop Annex
« Last post by Bruce Wilson on October 07, 2024, 08:01:42 PM »
One of the businesses I used to call on (for nearly 40 years) had a secure tool room. You'd need to sign out anything you needed for your work. Needless to say, a busy place. I got to know the clerk and one year, I noticed someone had made up a small hand painted sign with the man's name on one line, and "keeper of stuff" down on the next line. Maybe Joe would appreciate such a gesture? Or his very own "Aflack" duck? After all, he's a veteran of the Sammis project in Hancock.
Museum Discussion / Re: Reviews, Thank You's, and Messages of Encouragement
« Last post by Ed Lecuyer on October 07, 2024, 03:40:35 PM »
5-Stars on Google:

This is a great experience for anyone, but especially kids! Expect to spend more time here than you might think!

Museum Discussion / Re: How did you hear of the W.W. & F. Ry. Museum?
« Last post by Gavin Dalessandro on October 07, 2024, 10:19:14 AM »
So I was introduced a lot later than most of us but the first time i heard of the WW&F was is a tourist train guidebook from 2013 that I had gotten for a christmas present, so being the 6 year old I was I begged my parents to take me up so one weekend in 2014 when I was staying with my grandparents in Rockland, they took me down to wiscasset, that was the first and only time i have seen 10 run and made a few small trips every couple of years or so but it wasn't until recently maybe 2-3 years ago that I started to come up on the regular.
Work and Events / Re: Fall Work Weekend 2024
« Last post by Benjamin Richards on October 07, 2024, 09:19:09 AM »
I thought I had a flag on the turntable wall tie anchors but just doing the anchors is fine.  At some point those ties may need to be removed for an elevation correction on some of the enginehouse leads but having anchors in place won’t hurt as long as the studs can be removed from the anchors and the ties slid out toward the pit.  If the studs aren’t removable, the rails rolls have to be lifted to correct these tie thicknesses so that’d be a bother.

Best to check with Brendan, I think he already has the materials. All the wedge anchors I've used have been one-piece and non-removable, but maybe they make different ones.
Work and Events / Re: Fall Work Weekend 2024
« Last post by Dan Malkowski on October 07, 2024, 09:09:37 AM »
Steve P had mentioned painting Alna Center Station and I further remember a discussion Jason and I had about applying another coat of paint to the boxcars that are currently on track 2 of the shop.
Volunteers / Re: October 2024 work reports
« Last post by Jeff Schumaker on October 07, 2024, 09:00:45 AM »
I thought that might be the baggage car. Thanks for the confirmation.

Work and Events / Re: Shop Annex
« Last post by Dave Buczkowski on October 06, 2024, 06:19:03 PM »
Where has Joe been all these years? Let’s give him all the support we can. It’s hard to work on a project if you spend your time always looking for the proper tools or supplies. Thank you Joe!!!
Work and Events / Re: Shop Annex
« Last post by Mike Fox on October 06, 2024, 02:19:18 PM »
We have a lot that could use organization, but we need the self discipline to keep it organized. We can't be setting stuff down with the thought that we will take care of it later, or someone else will. For instance, the tool boxes in the shop. Very organized and have been kept that way. Putting tools back where they belong is a must. I hope the same is done with the Annex when Joe is done with it.
Work and Events / Re: Fall Work Weekend 2024
« Last post by Mike Fox on October 06, 2024, 02:11:39 PM »
It appears in Mike Fox's photo of Saturday's N. bound train The Ladder could use a bit of maintenance.


That is not the ladder. That is one of the better looking spots actually. Plenty of vegetation to be cut if someone wants to tackle that
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