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Volunteers / Re: February 2025 work reports
« Last post by Mike Fox on February 11, 2025, 09:10:41 PM »
Wish I could help as snow removal is one of my favorite things to do..but that is what I will be doing elsewhere..
Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 11 - Official Work Thread
« Last post by Ed Lecuyer on February 11, 2025, 08:45:34 PM »
Build Locomotive 11 - February 2025 Update

The WW&F’s latest Build 11 work session was held on January 14 - 16. We’ve completely assembled the lead truck (less springs) and equalizer components, continued to machine small and large components and are closing in on tramming the shoes and wedges.

Quentin Bethune continued machining the front cylinder head castings that he started last work session.

Quentin has since taken these home where a friend drilled 7 equally spaced holes on his CNC mill.

Joe Monty continued work on the rear coupler. He’s shown here rounding the coupler end.

Gordon Cook fabricated a shoulder washer to be installed in the lead truck cross bar along with the pin and sleeve he machined at home.

The lead truck assembly is now complete, less springs. Gordon installed the spring hangers and pins, machined at home.

We finally received the clevises which, along with the threaded rod, connect the lead truck equalizer to the transverse equalizer. Harold Downey rounded over the inside corners of the transverse equalizer hangers (not shown) between work sessions.

On Friday Jan. 17, the team visited Mountain Machine Works to review their progress. Here we see driver centers, tires and counterweights ready for assembly.

Harold Downey has spent numerous hours and taken hundreds of measurements to set up accurate tram wires. He’s now in the process of transferring and scribing reference marks on the shoes and wedges. Harold will then finish machine these components to ensure absolutely correct alignment with the cylinders and frame.

Our 2025 fundraising has begun! To date we have received $14,615 – BUT every donation is MATCHED by an anonymous member bring us to nearly 25% of the $120,000 goal for 2025. Remember, you can make your matching donation directly by check to the museum, or use a credit card to donate via:

Thanks for your continued support and interest in the WW&F!
Check out this YouTube series of someone (unnamed) who has acquired two 2' Davenport 0-4-0Ts and is restoring them to operation. One of the locomotives was (I kid you not) blown apart with dynamite!

It's a great series so far with great explanations, etc.

Monthly updates are planned.
Volunteers / Re: February 2025 work reports
« Last post by Stephen Piwowarski on February 11, 2025, 06:06:03 PM »
See you Friday! Hopefully we can rouse up some others as well!
Volunteers / Re: February 2025 work reports
« Last post by Dan Malkowski on February 11, 2025, 03:41:42 PM »

!!!!!HELP NEEDED!!!!

Ok folks, it's rare when I ask for help but I need it this coming Friday. These past few storms it has only been for the majority Bryce and I taking care of the main line with occasional help from one other person here and there. There is a toll to our own limits and we are slowly wearing down to the point of a burn out.

I am hoping to have a crew of 5-6 people help me on Friday which I get is a weekday but I am to the point of not going out with less than 3 people as seen from plowing today.
The windows were made by Brosco.
Work and Events / Re: Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
« Last post by Ted Miles on February 09, 2025, 10:42:58 AM »
The interior decoration of Coack #9 takes my breath away! I was expecting a canvas ceiling like many of the other Jackson & Sharp built cars in other museums have. The decorated plywood is flat outstanding! Thank you to all of the people who are making that coach a true work of art! I can not wait to see the oil lamps go in there!

TM WW&F Member
Work and Events / Re: Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
« Last post by Mike Fox on February 08, 2025, 08:58:30 PM »

Volunteers / Re: February 2025 work reports
« Last post by Mike Fox on February 08, 2025, 08:55:53 PM »

End of day shots of the cutting. We managed about 150 feet of road clearing.

From end of cutting looking toward TOM

Looking toward TOM

Looking at next weeks cutting..

Volunteers / Re: February 2025 work reports
« Last post by James Patten on February 08, 2025, 06:30:32 PM »
Work done on Saturday Feb 8:

* Steam & Sleighs - sold out!
* Top of Mountain - Mike and Brian were cutting for an eventual road from our road on the north side of Fossel property to the Top Of Mountain area.  The cutting was from the TOM area.
* Archives
* Board meeting - the public portion was pretty quick, the executive session ran long.
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