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Messages - Gordon Cook

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 29
Volunteers / Re: Special Work Report: Sunday December 18, 2022
« on: December 19, 2022, 02:22:09 PM »
I think that is the most inspiring WW&F Christmas train story ever!
And the best poetry, too.

Well done
to everyone!

Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 11 - Official Work Thread
« on: December 12, 2022, 02:13:38 PM »
Joints that could not be riveted were connected with fitted bolts. The holes were reamed to a known size and a bolt custom machined to be exactly .002" larger in diameter than the hole. The bolt was driven into the hole by hammering. A nut is added and torqued to ensure that the joint can't work loose.
The interference fit ensures metal to metal contact between the bolt and the pieces to be joined together, similar to a riveted joint. 
There will be many more of these fitted bolt joints to attach the rear frame extension casting to the front and rear frames.

Museum Discussion / Re: Czech Czooch
« on: December 12, 2022, 09:17:53 AM »
Good to see the Czech engine light is off in these photos.

I got it the second time around.  :o
Definite LOL moment. Good one, Bill.

Work and Events / Re: J&S Truck Build/Rebuild - Official Work Thread
« on: December 04, 2022, 07:20:53 PM »
Jerry and Carlos wheeling the first truck(Randy supervising):

(Also posted in Work Reports)

Volunteers / Re: December 2022 Work Reports
« on: December 04, 2022, 11:43:59 AM »
Here's Carlos and Jerry wheeling the first truck frame (Randy supervising):

Maine Narrow Gauge RR Co. & Museum / Re: MNG GE #1
« on: November 14, 2022, 02:09:01 PM »
I believe that B&M and MEC engines (and Portland Terminal) had a maroon body with gold stripes in the center paint scheme in the 40's and 50's. Check out Conway Scenic's engines 573 and 4268.

MNGRR No. 1 is maroon with an off white (maybe cream?) stripe.

Work and Events / Re: Engine House - Official Work Thread
« on: November 11, 2022, 08:01:13 AM »
I saw yesterday, the 10th, that the west and north windows were in, but not the east ones.
Start was starting to shingle the west wall.
Compliments to Brendan and the rest of the crew for excellent work!

Museum Discussion / September/October Newsletter
« on: October 26, 2022, 12:32:13 PM »
I finally finished reading the latest newsletter and I wanted to congratulate and thank Bill, Jason, and everyone who contributed for an excellent and thorough job of illustrating the planning and construction of the Mountain Extension.

Pulling all the details and history into a beautifully illustrated and written document really shows what a well planned and executed project it was, as well as a truly significant contribution to the rebuilding of Maine's history by the museum's volunteers and donors.

I would suggest that a link to this article be added to both the Facebook page and the museum's website to reach a wider audience.

Work and Events / Re: Engine House - Official Work Thread
« on: October 10, 2022, 03:40:34 PM »
Now that we know how to do it I think it would have been neat to rivet those support posts together.  :D

Whimsical Weirdness and Foolery / Re: New WW&F Event
« on: October 07, 2022, 06:21:41 PM »
I guess it's not a good joke if you have to explain it...

What time is it when you have to go to the dentist?
"Tooth Hurty"  (or 2:30) 

Museum Discussion / WW&F on
« on: September 30, 2022, 09:20:11 AM »
The WW&F is on's list of best train rides in New England.
(I think we know who "Ed. L. from Brunswick" might be.)

Whimsical Weirdness and Foolery / Re: New WW&F Event
« on: September 30, 2022, 08:59:18 AM »
I hope they will return before 2:30.   ???

Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 10 - Official Work Thread
« on: September 20, 2022, 07:47:43 AM »
if I recall correctly, you can sit on the window sill in No. 10's cab. That makes a big difference as you can't sit on the sill in 9. Also if you're on the tall side you have to stoop slightly to stick your head out the window so you have to be either inside or out.
And, the brake wheel in 9 is in the way, and now the vacuum brake stand is there on the engineer's side.

Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 11 - Official Work Thread
« on: July 30, 2022, 02:18:33 PM »
We will be having a No. 11 work session this coming week, August 2, 3, and 4. All who are interested are welcome to join us at Sheepscot. We usually start around 9.

The primary task will be to continue reaming the rivet holes in the rear frame pieces. Right now the frame is assembled with bolts and we have carefully adjusted the alignment of the pieces so the overall dimensions of the frame assembly are in spec. To preserve this exact position of all the pieces, the process is to remove one of the bolts that is holding two or more frame pieces together, match ream that hole to a precise diameter, insert a precision bushing and bolt it through the bushing to hold the pieces in alignment, then repeat for another hole in that assembly.
Once two holes in a joint are reamed and bolted, the remaining holes can be reamed.
When we have all the rivet holes reamed, the frame can be disassembled. The precision bushings and reamed holes will guarantee the alignment of the frame and proper fit of the rivets when the rivets are set.
After all the holes have been reamed, final assembly of the rear frame can begin. 

Volunteers / Re: May 2022 Work Reports
« on: May 29, 2022, 07:26:23 PM »
Is the plan for runs from Sheepscot to Trout Brook to turn the  engine at each end or to use the turntable at TBS primarily for a runaround?

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