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Messages - Kevin Madore

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Museum Discussion / Annual Picnic >>>Photo Album<<<
« on: August 14, 2024, 08:58:01 PM »
At last weekend's annual picnic, we had excellent photo coverage of the event.   There were a number of folks taking photos all over the campus, which is great.....I'm now getting to see all of the stuff that I missed!   I need a helicopter....or a hi-rail vehicle.    :)

Anyway, for historical purposes, I put together a little album of the things I saw, including some pix from the evening photo excursion, which went pretty well and attracted probably a couple of dozen folks.   If you'd like to take a look, click here:

Thanks for looking!

/Kevin Madore

Museum Discussion / Re: Road to Togus Photo Event >>>Photo Album<<<
« on: July 10, 2024, 12:05:54 PM »

I posted this over on the Narrow Gauge Forum last week, but for those who have not seen it over there, here's an album containing a few images that I captured during the recent "Road to Togus" event at the museum.

This event definitely got me interested in learning more about the Kennebec Central Railroad.   I bought a copy of "Two Feet to Togus" in the gift shop and it has proved to be interesting reading, giving me some ideas for things we might do at future photo events.   We now have the capability to re-enact three Maine narrow gauge lines, with just one locomotive, and in each case, she looks just like the historic photos.   

This was an excellent event.   Thanks to Dan, Ed and Eric for putting it together, and to the museum crew for executing it very nicely!

/Kevin Madore

I noticed a photo on today, which appears to depict a couple of these hoppers running at Sandstone Estates back in 2009.   The photographer is Daniel Simon from France.  I have not met him, but have corresponded with him a few times.   

I assume these hoppers are perhaps 600 mm gauge?

/Kevin Madore

Museum Discussion / Re: WW&F Winter Photo Shoot 2024 >>>Photo Album<<<
« on: February 20, 2024, 07:25:12 PM »
Great album, there are def some 2025 calendar photos in there.

Thanks, Stewart!  That was one of the goals.


Museum Discussion / WW&F Winter Photo Shoot 2024 >>>Photo Album<<<
« on: February 18, 2024, 01:14:16 PM »

It's taken about 2 weeks to sort through the 2,300 or so images that I captured during our Winter Photo Shoot on February 3rd & 4th.    I've put together a Flickr Album of some of the best from the weekend, so that folks who could not attend, or who were busy doing real work, can see what it looked like.    Basically, it was an excellent show.   It went off about as well as any of us could hope for.   We had great weather and the crews did a great job putting on the show.   So many people went the extra mile to ensure that everyone had a good time, from the folks who planned and executed the operations, to those who fed the visiting photographers, and the crew that finished the roundhouse and made it ready for the night session.   Speaking of that, I'd like to thank my friend Dak Dillon for doing a great job with the lighting, and running a fast-paced night session that featured a whole bunch of scenes, and which started and finished right on time.   It was a pleasure to work with this entire team, and I think we learned a lot of things in the process of running this event.

And now, to the photos:


/Kevin Madore

Work and Events / Re: Winter 2024 Photo Event Prep
« on: December 01, 2023, 08:38:43 PM »
Glad I just noticed this thread.

The key spots that come to mind are as follows:

- Albee's Field (south end and either side of Albee's crossing).   The south end of Albee's on the east side would be our sunrise shot, weather permitting, but the crossing further north can be used in either direction.
- Rosewood.  Most important is the west side.   Folks like the shot with the "Two-Foot Jukes Tree."
- Top of the Mountain.   Mainly making sure the ROW is clean.   Special emphasis on that spot Mike cleared just east of the cemetery location.   That can be a nice, early afternoon shot of the train arriving.
- MP 6 west side of the ROW.  MP 6 is key, because there are 3 shots there, two of which require the ROW on the west side of the track to be clean.
- Sutter's Crossing.  This shot is good in the morning on the east side, and may be the last shot of the day in the afternoon on the west side.
- Davis Grade / Davis Curve.   Brendan is very familiar with this location.  We've used it before.
- Eastman Lake (the little pond just north of Davis Curve).  The ROW on the west side of the track.

I am going to plan to come up Friday morning before the event and I'll take a look around the campus to see if there are any tools, ladders, buckets that need to be stowed....things folks will not want in their shots.   By then, we should have a pretty good plan for where we'll be going and when.   We can review with the operations folks at that time, if not before. 


Museum Discussion / Re: Cell coverage on the WW&F
« on: May 26, 2023, 08:28:34 AM »
I have a 5G phone (Samsung Galaxy Android) on the T-Mobile network and it has always been my experience that I have no service at all when visiting the museum.   In fact, I typically leave the phone in the car, because it is useless dead weight when hiking around.   Anything that can be done to improve coverage is a good thing, particularly with all of the events that the museum is holding and with the hiking trails.   If visitors or hikers have some kind of problem, they can summon help quickly.   In the event of a medical problem, it can make all the difference in the world.   

Cell phones can also be used to locate people, even when they are not able to make calls themselves.   I am the Director of Emergency Services for New Hampshire Wing, Civil Air Patrol, and we used CAP's Cell Phone Forensics Team to save a guy who had become trapped on Franconia Ridge a couple of years back.   We searched by air (visually) for an entire day looking for that guy and could not find him.  Shortly before sunset, the Cell Phone Forensics Team came through with some coordinates, which we passed on to the NH Army National Guard.   They sent a UH-60 Blackhawk up on that ridge at sunset, with the crew wearing Night Vision Goggles.  When they went to those coordinates, the helo crew spotted a guy shining a flashlight at them, and were able to put medics down on the ridge to get the guy out.    Even weak cell phone coverage is better than none at all.

General Discussion / Sheepscot Passenger Shelter Move
« on: March 12, 2023, 02:54:13 PM »

I was fortunate to be able to travel to the museum last Tuesday to observe and photograph the movement by rail of the Sheepscot Passenger Shelter to the station area at Top of the Mountain.  While it would have been nice to have sunshine, it was probably more dramatic to have clouds and some snow showers.   When it wasn't snowing too hard, I was able to fly the drone and get some different views of the switching operations up at Top of the Mountain.   

The folks who planned and executed this move did a fabulous job.   Although the load looked pretty precariously perched on that narrow gauge flat car, the move went pretty much without incident and took just under 3 hours from start to finish.  I've assembled a Flickr Album depicting the move, so that the folks who could not be there can see what it looked like.

For a look at the pictures, click this link:


/Kevin Madore

Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 11 - Official Work Thread
« on: December 13, 2022, 07:56:48 PM »
True, James. But think of the extra eyes that would see it on other platforms -- YouTube, Facebook, etc.

I thought the video was excellent.  It's a great way for members/donors, who can't make it to Sheepscot or rarely get to visit, to see with their eyes how much is really happening, as described by the engineers and craftsmen who are actually doing the work.   Over the last few years, the incredible progress that has taken place up in Alna has created an expectation among members/donors that the funds they contribute will be well-managed and they will see tangible, near-term results.    This is a great way to continue to assure these folks that their expectations are indeed being met.    Perhaps it should be a quarterly thing on a WW&F YouTube channel, which can be linked to various on-line, RR-related boards like RYPN, NGDF, Trainorders, etc.   Our museum already has a very successful information campaign on social media platforms.    This might be a way to expand that even further.

/Kevin Madore

Volunteers / Re: A lovely compliment
« on: November 21, 2022, 11:30:42 PM »
Dave spent a couple of days with us back in early 2021 during Pete Lerro's winter charter at the WW&F.   Here's a shot of Dave posing as a Dispatcher in the railroad office:

/Kevin Madore

Museum Discussion / Re: Boiler work on the WW&F #10
« on: November 21, 2022, 10:12:08 PM »

We anticipate all of those moves to occur in late spring, 2023.  We plan to resume heavy work on no 10 after the train brake system is in service and we have proper working space for 10, and still hope to see it in service soon. 

As an aside- we are sure many other members such as you are wondering what No 10’s status is.  We plan to write a newsletter article which explains its status and the reasons behind it.  The most important thing- we haven’t forgotten No 10 and still look forward to getting it back on the active roster.


So glad to hear this.   While #10 might not be useful on the runs to TBS, for obvious reasons, she could be very useful and economical for many of the other events that the museum hosts, which don't go north of TOM.   For the evening concerts at AC, for instance, she'd be perfect.    Hey, she could save some wear and tear on #9 and in the event that 9 needs to be down for some extended maintenance, having the 10 means we're still a steam railroad.   That's especially important now that the active MNGRR steamers have all left the WW&F campus. 

I still have great memories of the one day when the 9 and the 10 operated together.

/Kevin Madore

I posted this photo album over on the Narrow Gauge Discussion Forum yesterday, but thought some might like to see the photos here.   This is mainly for the "away" crowd, who don't get the opportunity to visit the museum often.   Unfortunately, I missed the Fall Work Weekend due to some previous commitments on the west coast that weekend, so I visited just a week later, looking for some fall colors.   Although it wasn't quite as spectacular as it had been the week before, there were still a lot of pretty trees along the railroad, and of course, a pair of steam trains going back and forth to Sea Lyon Farm and Trout Brook, so lots to photograph.   I also brought the drone with me, and when it wasn't raining, I did get a chance to try out a shot that I have been envisioning down at the bridge.   Those who have been there know it is a difficult location, as the ROW is narrow, and there are not a lot of clean photo angles.....unless you can fly!   Well, now I can.

Here's the link to the photo album on Flickr:

Expect to see more drone stuff in the future.  One of these days, I will get it figured out.   ;D

/Kevin Madore


Both Ed Lecuyer and I were fortunate to be able to attend the 4-day, "Great Western Steam-Up" event at the Nevada State Railroad Museum over the July 4th weekend. This event featured 16 total steam locomotives, 9 of which were in steam and running on the museum trackage. It was probably the greatest gathering of steam engines that I have personally witnessed and probably the closest that we can come to some of the Railfairs that were held at the end of the last century.  Equally impressive was the list of people that I ran into again or got to meet for the first time.   There were a lot of well-known names there.  And yes, both Ed and I had a lot of people notice our WW&F hats.   We also ran into a couple of folks wearing WW&F shirts, who had participated in the SWW.   Small world.  :)

The following is a list of the engines that were present. The ones in bold print were actually operating:

-V&T #1 "Lyon" (partially completed replica)
-V&T #11 "Reno"
-V&T #12 "Genoa"
-V&T #18 "Dayton"
-V&T #21 "J.W.Bowker"
-V&T #22 "Inyo"
-V&T #25
-Carson & Tahoe Lumber & Fluming Co. #1 "Glenbrook"
-Eureka & Palisade #4 "Eureka"
-Nevada County Narrow Gauge RR #5 "Tahoe"
-Southern Pacific #18
-Bluestone Mining & Smelting #1 (Heisler)
-Santa Cruz Portland Cement #2 "Chiggen"
-Antelope & Western #1

-Dardanelle & Russellville #8
-Dayton, Sutro & Carson Valley "Joe Douglas"

I've just finished sorting through a couple of thousand images that I captured at the event and picked the ones I thought best represented the action that I witnessed. Apologies for taking nearly a week to get these out. I'm a big believer in captioning my photos and it takes a bit of time to do that with a collection this large.

Anyway, if the spirit moves you, take a look.  It was a pretty epic event.

Congratulations to the crew at the Nevada State Railroad Museum as well as to all of the other organizations and individuals who made this event the great success that it was!

/Kevin Madore

Museum Discussion / Re: Planning a trip to the WW&F
« on: June 27, 2022, 07:55:09 AM »
       I have been to several of the Annual Picnics if you can get to that event it would be a good time
to visit.

Ted Miles, WW&F Member Build 11 Contributor

I concur.   When people ask me what’s the best time to visit the WW&F, if they can only come one time, Annual Picnic is probably their best bet.   It’s when they are most likely to see not only a full schedule of operations, but potentially, some equipment or operations that don’t happen at other times.   For folks who are not inclined to come for just a one-day event, this year, they can potentially make it a two-day event, if they sign up for the photo excursion on Sunday.

/Kevin Madore

Volunteers / Re: May 2022 Work Reports
« on: May 30, 2022, 08:15:04 AM »
Is the plan for runs from Sheepscot to Trout Brook to turn the  engine at each end or to use the turntable at TBS primarily for a runaround?

Regardless, I’m thinking that #9 would always be facing south on the mountain, because she only sands running forward.....correct?

/Kevin Madore

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