« on: December 02, 2016, 08:11:52 AM »
Thanks for helping guys!
It's great that the old P&R grade is still passable and that the Barnjum branch is still driveable. My recollection is that the main stem of the SR&RL, between Farmington and Phillips, was pretty much overgrown. (Pretty ironic actually. In it's day it was probably the most heavily traveled 2-foot route in North America.) The F&M was pretty much overgrown too, although I do seem to recall a worn path on the old ROW heading north from Starbird's. I don't know how far north it went from there or even if it is still passable.
I do know the old K&DR ROW is now a very nice trail for most of it's length up to and including Bigelow station. I don't know anything about the current status of the Eustis or Madrid grades.
I likewise don't know the current status of the old Monson mainline south of Monson to the Junction, but I've heard that the quarry branches are still open. I think I remember seeing a path on the old KCRR going south from Togus, but don't recall anything beyond what James has already mentioned.
Does anyone have any more info?