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Messages - Ken Fleming

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Massachusetts' Two Footers / Flying Yankee
« on: April 13, 2009, 08:44:08 PM »
I got to visit Edaville in 1961 and again thirty years later, just before they closed.  I did get to make a trip as the engineer of #3.  What ever happened to the "Yankee Flyer" train set?

Work and Events / Re: Spring Work Weekend Dates 2009
« on: April 07, 2009, 07:07:50 PM »
Great, flag holders.  I've got myself a great milk can on which I had a cast iron tractor seat mounted on it, for a stool at AC.  I figure when I am not there, it will make a great stool in the shop.  It is so comfortable, my wife had me get another one made for our camp.  I'll be bringing two dozen pairs of work gloves and some real goodies that can be sold at the book store or auctioned off. 

By the way, 60# rail is selling for about $1050 a ton.  There is 182 tons of 75# rail (nearly new) for $550 a ton.  It seems everyone is looking for and buying 60# rail.

C U You All Soon!

Museum Discussion / W.W.& F. Ry. Web Cam
« on: April 05, 2009, 01:02:17 PM »
It would nice to have a video camera mounted up under the eve of water tank and pointed to cover the yard and mainline.  Then either stream it or put it on a 60 second update.  Then link it to our web site, so that everyone can see what's happening at the museum.  There is plenty of equipment out there for this purpose and the price is not budget breaking (better if donated).  The problem will be the connection cost, that part I don't have a handle on.  I am almost sure there is someone in the membership that does know.

As an alternative, I looked at some web ready surveillance camera packages and thought about using these for security also.  It might lower our insurance cost and give some warm fuzzies about what is going when we're not there.  A four camera wired or wireless system could be installed with one camera under the eve of the North end of the car shop.  One camera pointed North for the yard and mainline, another camera pointed West for parking lot/restrooms/house area. one camera pointed East to cover station area and one camera for interior of car shop or South end of car shop.  These systems have a VCR that will record up to 80 plus days and have an output for the Web.  They also can have up to 100 feet of cable (if wired system is used), thus monitor, VCR and control could be in book store area (near phone connection).  They can also be have night vision, using IR with a range up to 65 feet.  We could stream one or more cameras at a later date.

I realize that this is not "original WW&F'" but security does not have "age".  Besides we can always hide the cameras.  Think about it!

General Discussion / Re: Wiscasset pronunciation
« on: March 23, 2009, 05:51:32 AM »
Out West the term they used was "chain her".  This was to use a length of heavy chain, with a heavy gauge wire loop on each end, that was placed around one of the drivers on the rail head.  Then we "capped her", placing a cap on the stack to keep then heat in.  Of course these were oil burners and the burner was off.

General Discussion / Re: Maine Heritage Village?
« on: March 18, 2009, 04:32:05 PM »
Maybe a replica flag stop would be best.  If this heritage village thing does not fly, we can take it "home" and place where we could use it.

General Discussion / WW
« on: March 06, 2009, 06:27:31 PM »
Check out their web site "".  They actually can use a "Lost Wax" casting process.  They coat the plastic "pattern" with a sand cast mix and then fire it at 1600 degrees F.  That burns out the plastic leaving a mold ready to be poured.  The real benefit that I see is the ability to "adjust" the part scan for defects and missing portions (see their video).  The finished drawing can also used by a CNC machine, thus skipping the plastic pattern.  The real problem is that the scanner can only handle parts that are less than 10 or 20 pounds.  Bigger parts require working to make a composite drawing.  I am sure that a large scale scanner must be out there or will be soon.  Imagine taking a locomotive cylinder block, scan it and let a machine "carve it" for you.  Or, casting a new smoke stack or truck frames or driver centers or any other part that can be cast or machined.  Now, if it could only make boilers.

Work and Events / Re: Car shop Interior (Lots of Pictures)
« on: February 25, 2009, 08:40:41 AM »
Wayne is correct.  The use of screening (the fines at remain after rock crushing) and packing it down is close to concrete.  We could rent a small roller and a compactor (tamper) to do the job.

Volunteers / Re: IRS - Tax Deductions for Volunteers
« on: February 21, 2009, 08:09:12 AM »
With the Nation's current economic situation, the need to keep every penny in your pocket becomes more important.  Simply keep a log of your mileage expenses for a year and see what it amounts to at year end.

By the way, meals are only deductible if the distance requires an overnight stay.  Sorry Mike, breakfast at the diner is not allowed (LOL).  Mileage can be (should be) actual, however in my discussion with the IRS, they would accept something like MapQuest distances.  I my case from ZipCode 19510 to 04535 is 497 miles each way and from Moody's Cabins to 97 Cross Road is 17 miles one way.  Thus it adds up.

Remember to keep good records and then spend your return at the W.W.& F. Ry.

Volunteers / Re: IRS - Tax Deductions for Volunteers
« on: February 20, 2009, 04:24:04 PM »
You most certainly can enjoy being at the museum.

To quote IRS Publication 17, Chapter 24, Page 161, Middle Column, Second Paragraph.

"The deduction for travel expenses will not be denied simply because you enjoy providing services to the charitable organization. Even if you enjoy the trip, you can take a charitable contribution deduction for your travel expenses if you are on duty in a genuine and substantial sense throughout the trip.  However, if you have only nominal duties, or if for significant parts of the trip you do not have any duties, you cannot deduct your travel expenses."

Show up, do the work that you can.  Your logged hours are the answer to being here.

Work and Events / Re: Spring Work Weekend Dates 2009
« on: February 20, 2009, 02:10:36 PM »

Thanks.  How about one for Alna Center for the Spring Work Weekend.  I figure I'll be there when two trains are in operation. I am bringing a 10 gallon milk can for a stool.


Volunteers / IRS - Tax Deductions for Volunteers
« on: February 20, 2009, 02:05:11 PM »
The information below is from:     (This pub is available on-line as a pdf file)

Federal Publication 17      Catalog Number 10311G
Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals
For use in of the preparing 2008 Revenue Returns

See: Chapter 24 Contributions- Page 161 Columns 1 & 2. Out-of-Pocket Expenses in Giving Services

Basically your transportation expenses to and from your home and the museum, the cost of meals and lodging are tax deductible.  Mileage at $0.14 per mile can be claimed instead of gas and oil expenses.

The deductions will be on Form A, Line 17.

I called the IRS and spent 1 1/2 hour to get their ruling.  Be sure to identify museum by full name and address.  The IRS will check publication 78 to see if we're there and we are.

KEEP GOOD RECORDS, or know where the proof is/can be found.

Work and Events / Re: where to stay for work session
« on: February 14, 2009, 09:35:23 AM »
What about the Schooner Inn?  Any comments on it?

Museum Discussion / Re: AMTRAK to meet WWF at Waterville?
« on: February 10, 2009, 08:00:06 PM »
Maybe someone up there should call Senator Snow and have her add $1.5 Billion to the "stimulus bill".  Reasons: completely restore the only two foot to tide water railroad in the US, provide 'mass' transportation to the area, provide more jobs in the area (support tourists) and add a project to the bill that actually would create jobs in Maine.

Other Narrow Gauge / Re: So you want your own Px 48 ...
« on: February 10, 2009, 07:48:37 PM »
Why not start with a 4-passenger, 610 mm, hand car from Interlok for operation on the Southern Division (track south of Cross rd.) of the W.W.& F. Ry.

Museum Discussion / Re: Useful Stuff on eBay
« on: February 07, 2009, 07:44:51 PM »

I don' sell'em, I just tell'em.  Having a lot of spare time, I search eBay for items related to W.W. & F. or useful items to our projects.  I also search the internet for everything from rail to tampers to construction equipment.


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