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Messages - Dave Buczkowski

Pages: 1 ... 55 56 [57] 58 59
General Discussion / Re: Extreme Trains
« on: November 08, 2008, 06:15:43 PM »
I have the first two on DVD should anyone not get the History Channel.

US Two Footers / Re: Chicago 2-foot
« on: November 07, 2008, 12:51:00 PM »
There is a nice book on the Chicago Tunnel RR that I picked up a few years ago. If anyone's interested I can provide the title.

   Imagine No. 10 in the Disney color scheme!

I don't know about the Sandy River but the Guide to the WW&F recently updated by Bill Reidy gives an approximate idea of what is currently owned. Allan and I along with a surveying and planning firm in MA I "volunteered" to help me are currently working on coallating title information on a set of plans that includes abutters. It is a long term project but we're currently reasonably along with the Alna section. Once complete, a set of plans will be available at Sheepscot for those who care to view them.

Work and Events / Re: Albion Day 2008
« on: November 03, 2008, 08:39:47 PM »
i strongly suggested to Carl (and Phil) that the track we laid this year had better be in the same place next year or we would turn right around. I even told him we'd send a scout the week before to double check. I think the track is too low but that's where Carl wanted it.
Mike is being very modest about his skills with a tractor. The only low spot is where we put down a section of track before Mike discovered the tractor. And this was without benefit of any surveying tools. If he ran the excavator leveling our R.O.W. there would be very little leveling. Maybe Santa will put a Deere under Mike's tree this year.
I took some photos as well. With the boys at school I'll have to figure out how to download them to the computer they left behind.

Work and Events / Re: Albion Day 2008
« on: November 01, 2008, 09:02:57 PM »
To expand on Mike's report, it was like a WW&F Ry version of the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day. We keep relaying the same track over and over. This time it was because Carl thought the track we laid last year was too high. This time we got back to where we ended last year, including the switch. Brad, if you see a nearly new John Deere in Mike's backyard urge him to bring it back. I think Mike went for coffee in the tractor he enjoyed it so much. We actually got a lot done with just five of us - Steve Smith, Bob Gabriel, Gawdon, Mike and myself.
I think we need to open the discussion again about helping the Albion group, which only consists of Carl and Phil, more. Nothing got done there since we  visited in November 2007 other than lifting the track we put down.
I think we got a lot done today with only five people and no adult supervision. It again makes me proud to be a part of this group.
PS to Duncan - bummer, no kielbasa today. It was ham at the Alna V.F.D. though it was a nice breakfast.

Work and Events / Re: Albion Day 2008
« on: October 31, 2008, 08:36:29 AM »
This is my second attempt at this message. I think my first may have been trumped by Gordon's posting. Since my first has disappeared and I don't know how to retrieve it, I'll try again. I'll meet you about 7:30 at Sheepscot (now Gordon will be there as well). We should grab spike mauls, track gauges, lining bars, shovels, the five gallon bucket with the spacer bar, wrenches, chalk and the tie marking gauge along with other implements of destruction. We should also grab Dana's Tie Spacing Rope (Patent Pending).
I don't know how far away we'll be from needing to deal with the stub switch so I'll take a photo of the Sheepscot switch for a guide. Hopefully the slide plates are still around. I don't remember if the entire switch was dismanteled so we may get bogged down a bit with that. See you tomorrow morning!

Work and Events / Re: Albion Day 2008
« on: October 31, 2008, 08:26:42 AM »
In honor of Duncan should we stop at the Alna FD for breakfast?

Work and Events / Re: Albion Day 2008
« on: October 30, 2008, 05:20:27 PM »
I'm wondering if there will be any adults in charge at Albion on Saturday. So far all I know that are going are Steve Smith, Mike Fox and myself. From what I understand neither James nor Jason will be going as they are otherwise occupied. Will there be someone with a pickup to bring tools from Sheepscot? About all I can fit in the Clubman are a couple of spike mauls and a track gauge.

Massachusetts' Two Footers / Re: Billerica & Bedford Track Day
« on: October 29, 2008, 04:14:48 PM »
I believe the intent is lay another couple of sections of track next to the trail. I will be in Albion so i don't know what they will serve but it's probably pizza. With all this talk of kielbasa I may have to bring one up with me to have Carl boil on the wood stove. Oh and I shouldn't forget the Kosciuszko mustard...

Massachusetts' Two Footers / Billerica & Bedford Track Day
« on: October 29, 2008, 11:18:15 AM »
  For those of you who can't make Albion Day due to the distance and time involved, there will be track laying at the B&B off Loomis Street in Bedford, MA Saturday, November 1, 2008. The B&B group get started around 9 due to the residential area the track is near. The FBDP provides lunch and soft drinks. So, when the B&B is 5 minutes from my house, why I am I driving to Albion?

Museum Discussion / Re: November is Hunting season
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:49:58 AM »
  Doesn't that just make us easier targets?

Museum Discussion / Re: Car Barn
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:34:50 AM »
     The Long Range Planning Committee spent some time discussing how to make the Museum accessable. I think we just assumed that we would come under the Americans with Disabilities Act and even if we didn't we all felt it was the right thing to do for many reasons. We understand that doing so would make many of the Museum's visitors visits more enjoyable. All it takes is money.

General Discussion / Re: Alna VFD Hunter's Breakfast
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:29:22 AM »
  Thanks fo rthe information. I think I'll stop on the way to Albion. do you think they'll have kielbasa omelets???

Work and Events / Re: Albion Day 2008
« on: October 27, 2008, 05:13:49 PM »
  If I know you'll be there I'll bring a kielbasa. Sunday I was raking the yard. Someone has to do it as the boys are away at school and my daughter had to keep the couch from floating away.

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