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Messages - Dave Buczkowski

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Volunteers / November 2022 Work Reports
« on: October 30, 2022, 12:40:31 PM »
Just a reminder that our now annual work day in Phillips is next Saturday, November 5, 2022. We plan to leave Sheepscot at 7:30 a.m. Sharon has requested a count for lunch purposes. As those who have attended previously, lunch alone is worth the ride. Please post here if you plan on attending. Hope to see you that day.

Beautiful photos Kevin!

Work and Events / Re: Model railroad sale during the fall work weekend
« on: October 04, 2022, 07:50:33 PM »
No earlybirds😉

Two Footers outside of the US / Re: AMTP in Pithiviers, France
« on: September 28, 2022, 07:41:26 PM »
A fitting send off to a life well lived.

Volunteers / Re: September 2022 Work Reports
« on: September 15, 2022, 08:40:32 PM »
So, I should miss more meetings then?

Museum Discussion / Re: Roster of Surviving Maine 2' Gauge Equipment
« on: September 02, 2022, 07:35:58 PM »
The Albion Historical Society owns a Buda powered gas locomotive. Might be a Plymouth.
Plymouth locomotive No. 52 owned by the WW&F
Brookville gas locomotive No. 51 owned by the WW&F.

Volunteers / Re: August 2022 Work Projects
« on: August 27, 2022, 09:40:25 PM »
Bill, you’re spoiling us! That should make things easier.

Good question Andrew. I don’t have an answer to that. Maybe Bill has the answer, Gail will check the paperwork she has from Arcadia.

By necessity that will be made by the publishers. The book committee (Linda, Bill and Gail) will submit probably an excess of photos to the Arcadia folks. We have been told to only submit high quality (res) photos to them so that will be a limiting factor.  This is not a contest. Photos that best show the Museum, it’s history and it’s people will be used.

Not as of yet but the sooner the better because once we submit our proposal the time clock starts.

We have been approached by Arcadia Publishing about doing a book for them. Since the original railroad has been covered in many books we have decided that it will be about the Museum itself. As such, we are looking for photographs mainly since the Humason Brook bridge was completed. That was about the time everyone started going digital. Linda has many photos prior that time.
If you have any and would like to see them published in our book, please submit them to Linda Zollers at with a copy to;; and We will be covering all areas of the Museum - shop work, buildings, track work, operations, gift shop - everything. We especially want photos of people both familiar and not so familiar. Please be sure to include your name, date of photo and location. Please also identify anyone in the photos. You will also probably be asked to sign a permission form by Arcadia. Please note well that you will retain ownership of your photos. Send as many as you would like. Make sure to send high res versions suitable for publishing. You will also receive credit in the book. There will be extra credit for photos of me looking like I’m actually doing something productive.

Volunteers / Re: August 2022 Work Projects
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:44:07 PM »
Get well soon Fred! I fear work will come to halt unless you are at the RR.

Work and Events / Re: Mountain Extension - Official Work Thread
« on: August 06, 2022, 06:11:54 PM »
To the Great WW&F Volunteers;
Today was the Grand Opening of the Mountain Extension. As is par for the course, WW&F volunteers outdid themselves. On an incredibly hot and humid day every person did there job safely, competently and with a big smile. I think the engine crews may have lost 10 lbs a piece. All of the guests I spoke with were effusive with their praise. Several mentioned to me how attentive the train crew was to them especially in making sure they had water. It did not go unnoticed that we had smiling crews serving cake and cookies and manning the gift shop. Kudos also go out to the crews that worked long days for weeks so our celebration could come off flawlessly. There were even things that I didn’t think of like the touch up paint work that Stewart did on the bridge so that it looked perfect for our guests.
I received many complements on your behalf about how WW&F volunteers set the gold standard.
So thank you one and all for your selfless efforts.
The Mountain Extension project was our most ambitious to date. It involved hundreds of volunteers, some, sadly, no longer with us. All involved should be proud to say they had a part in its success

You are the best! I could not be prouder or more humbled by your efforts and dedication. You all deserve a big round of applause. Now I must go grab a tissue to wipe the “sweat” that has appeared in my eyes.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Museum Discussion / Re: Finding the WW&F on Facebook
« on: August 01, 2022, 09:47:47 PM »
Way to go Facebook Team! Keep up the great work.

Consider us flattered. Nice work. You folks are making great progress!

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