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Messages - Dave Buczkowski

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Volunteers / Re: April 2023 Work reports
« on: April 15, 2023, 07:32:40 PM »
Also, Bill and Dave traveled to Ossipee, N.H. to pick up a van load of books, magazines, ephemera and other railroad stuff left to the WW&F by Dwight.

Work and Events / Re: Engine House - Official Work Thread
« on: March 29, 2023, 08:28:41 PM »
How about “Person in Pit”? It’s a bit more inclusive….

General Discussion / Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« on: March 08, 2023, 09:58:13 PM »
Welcome Lenny! Glad to have you aboard.

Two Footers outside of the US / Re: AMTP in Pithiviers, France
« on: March 03, 2023, 08:26:49 PM »
Mon ami, so sorry for your loss. You will think of her at the oddest times. Each year, my first glimpse of forsythia reminds me of my late mother because she would tell me that when she saw them in the Spring it reminded her of my birthday. Odd, I know. When it happens to you, you will smile, think of your mother, and shed a tear at her memory.

General Discussion / Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« on: February 20, 2023, 06:09:24 PM »
Welcome aboard Tyler! Were you the young man that just had a birthday and was so knowledgeable about the WW&F that I checked in along with your mother Saturday? You’ll learn a lot more from the good folks on the Forum.

We named it “Ichabod” long ago.

We’ve had some interesting loads on our rails, from Stewart’s truck, to trusses for the pavilion, to this. A few more and there will be enough for a WW&F Ry Press book on “The Loads of the WW&F Ry”.
Very impressive!

Volunteers / Re: JB Smith - Character of the County
« on: February 06, 2023, 08:44:02 PM »
They could have filled the entire first section with JB stories. He’s everywhere!

Congratulations Nancy! We’re all proud of you.

Volunteers / Re: November 2022 Work Reports
« on: December 01, 2022, 08:48:42 PM »
Many years ago when I was in private practice I represented an inventor (and dear friend) who had invented  a wireless (radar) in the ear hearing aid that could also be used as a voice activated cell phone. This was just a before Bluetooth was starting to become common. Anyway, for various reasons, Motorola was tangentially interested with another entity in licensing the patent. We were invited to the then headquarters in Schaumburg, IL. As part of the dance we were taken on a tour of Motorola’s private museum. Motorola got its start making car radios way back when. My eyes fell upon a radio-walky-talky device like you would see in old WWII movies. The curious thing was that it was damaged. I asked the guide why they would display a broken radio.
It seems the railroads around the Chicago area and beyond used them. Motorola noticed a very high incidence of warranty returns from the railroads that did not exist with other non-railroad customers. Motorola sent a team to follow the crews around to see if they could figure out why. It turns out the brakemen and conductors were using them as what the guide called “wheel chocks” on their freight trains. It was a “run what ya brung” sort of thing. Maybe Joe Fox has heard of this😉

Volunteers / Re: Thankful and Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 25, 2022, 08:33:43 PM »
One of your relatives is a rock? I’ll just leave this right here…

Volunteers / Re: Thankful and Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 23, 2022, 08:26:02 PM »
While I am thankful for all of our members, I am especially thankful to those that are at Sheepscot during the week and on Saturdays. We would absolutely not be the museum we are without their dedication. I could not do my job without all those who step up day in and day out. I won’t name them because to a person they would tell us that it’s not them that should get credit but others. They would also be embarrassed at the attention. That is the secret and power of the WW&F. Thank you to all of you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Volunteers / Re: November 2022 Work Reports
« on: November 02, 2022, 07:17:16 PM »
Unfortunately I had a change of plans and will not be going to Phillips on Saturday. I do promise good weather for all who attend.

Volunteers / November 2022 Work Reports
« on: October 30, 2022, 12:40:31 PM »
Just a reminder that our now annual work day in Phillips is next Saturday, November 5, 2022. We plan to leave Sheepscot at 7:30 a.m. Sharon has requested a count for lunch purposes. As those who have attended previously, lunch alone is worth the ride. Please post here if you plan on attending. Hope to see you that day.

Beautiful photos Kevin!

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