Work and Events / Re: So. African Hoppers 2806 and 2807 - Official Work Thread
« on: November 21, 2024, 07:09:52 AM »
To add to Bryce's comments on the SAR hoppers a couple of thoughts. One: maybe it would be possible to add a steel plate perpendicular to the centerline of the car to make two sperate bays one on each end. Second: fabricate for what I would call 2 individual dump covers to block each delivery chute on the inside that can be removed or left in place. They could be added to one side of the car or the other to control ballast if one side of the mainline would need all or more of the ballast than the other. These ideas would keep both ends seperate and control dumping to one side of the car or the other when/if needed. However, I have not looked closely at the inside construction of these cars so I am not sure if these suggestions are possible.