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Messages - Dan Shelley

Pages: [1]
Work and Events / Re: Baltimore excursion
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:46:07 PM »
Wow, what a trade off. Yes it is like Christmas again. I would have been concerned about losing the reflectors on the trip back. How did that go, any casualties?
Thanks Dave & Brendan

Work and Events / Re: Big E Train Show 2013, Springfield, MA
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:34:18 PM »
  It was a great show. I swung by the booth, but it was busy so moved on with intention on making it back. I moved through all the buildings in 1 day.

  Next year 2 full days at the show, but my commute will be longer from NC.


Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 9 - Official Work Thread
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:18:01 PM »
Jason, the guys at OCC won't know how to use little lone start it. Great work

Eric, Great work on the wheel paint job. Gasoline will clean your hands up nicely.

Thanks guys for all the great progress photos


Moderator Announcements / Re: Forum Issues
« on: November 22, 2012, 10:36:47 AM »
Hey guys, hope all have a great Thanksgiving.

  Question_Is there a way to change the way I (we) see the post listing order, such as most recent at the top?  That is within the subjects not the main forum message board.


General Discussion / Re: To Give Away or Sell
« on: July 24, 2012, 08:43:28 AM »
Did Alice have any luck with the material wanted to sell?

Boothbay Railway Village / Re: S.R.& R.L. combine #11
« on: July 22, 2012, 05:34:09 PM »
 I was there a month ago, and I was hoping to see some progress with the combine. All the names and numbers have been removed. But reading the past postings about the rear platform being gone I knew it was the one. I know there is plenty of guys out there that would be more than happy to be apart of a railroad restoration project.

General Discussion / Re: Right of Way Mowers
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:54:53 PM »
Send me a link to your email, so I can send you these pictures (3)

If you can put something like this together,  you will cut your volunteers mowing time down by a half the current time.


Massachusetts' Two Footers / Re: new Billerica & Bedford book
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:30:05 AM »
  I, too, will be purchasing this book. A while back I have hiked the old route, because I lived in the area for 7 years, and I was just starting to research local railroad history.
Along with the old towpaths, and the Middlesex Canal Route. A few years ago, I was in the printing occupation and I was reprinting a brochure for the
Middlesex Canal. 2 pictures in the brochure were in my neighborhood, in Wilmington.

  I recently viewed a video on YouTube of the crew moving the RDC unit from Guilford's property in Billerica MA to the Friends of the B&B in Bedford.

The property in Portland is much more desirable, beautiful water front. This I'm sure that will be missed. I hope things work out in Gray. I would like to see that lot of old beat up rolling stock shine for day.

Maine Narrow Gauge RR Co. & Museum / Re: National Train Day 2012
« on: July 21, 2012, 10:27:43 PM »
  I really love MNG, but I was there 2 weeks after this event, and the yard is so overgrown. I asked if they ask for volunteers to help around the place to keep it clean. But I was asking high school kids, whose rooms most likely look the same, messy. I was interested helping them in the past but I was publicly asked? I even got a cab ride, and asked the Engineer how things worked around their railroad? But didn't received the answer I was looking for. I did volunteer at Biddleford Station, but the next time I made it up there, they closed???
  I hadn't been to MNG since 2006. I was pleasantly surprised to see all the changes in the museum.

  I hope the new home of MNG in Gray ME gives them more opportunity to grow.

General Discussion / Re: Good Thing We Have Our Own Railroad
« on: July 21, 2012, 09:38:40 PM »
  The fate of the Berkshire Scenic Railroad is written on the wall. Landlords suck that is why, and being fortunate, I have always owned my own property. The business owner(s) should secure the property to the company, in the form a long term lease. And maintain the property, I am proud to see the WW&F & Boothbay Railway does their best to keep the property maintained.

General Discussion / Re: Conway Scenic
« on: July 21, 2012, 06:38:31 PM »
  Its been too long since being up in North Cnnway. I am especially interested in the 2 MEC yellow birds, and the RDC unit. I did see the whole transformation of Engine 573. when it first arrived in Guilford colors to the special Boston & Maine 1573 and Conway 573 paint job. and now all Conway 573. That was really cool with the dual names.
  I will be visiting soon

General Discussion / Re: Right of Way Mowers
« on: July 21, 2012, 06:27:39 PM »
   I have to see what you have for mowing the vast area  along the line. I saw a unit that PAR uses to take care of there right of way. I'm sure something could be manufactured to a scale version of their machine, and having a longer reach the models above.

Let me know what you think

General Discussion / Re: Norfolk Southern Heritage Fleet
« on: July 21, 2012, 06:06:22 PM »
  I especially like the New Conrail Heritage loco. I used to see Conrail's Blue Locos with a load of coal going through my old home town of Tyngsboro MA, back in the early 90's.

  Ken, I spent a year of high school in PA north of Philly, and I used to see an old switcher unit with Lehigh Valley painted across it hood. Nice looking Heritage unit as well.

General Discussion / Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« on: July 21, 2012, 05:55:26 PM »
Hey Guys,
  Recent visitor and new member to the WW&F forum. My name is Dan, from Litchfield, NH. I am a model railroader, collector, and photographer of all things railroad related. I am looking to get my hands dirty on a few of these work weekends.

  I have a layout 10'x10',  fictional theme with plenty of action. I also just started my 2 Footer Layout (Ho scale with N scale railroad mix). Having been Influenced more by the WW&F,
and a little by the other guys down in Portland.

  So much to read about here, and I'm looking to put my two cents in as well. I am much more interested in these narrow gauge railroads of Maine's past, than PAR.

  I am currently self employed


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