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Messages - Paul Brozowski

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« on: August 18, 2024, 10:14:59 AM »
Dave, John & Bill,

Thanks for the kind words! I'm really looking forward to meeting the crew and helping out wherever the team wants me to.

John: I've never had a Moxie but would sure like to try some! My wife & I will be camping at Acadia the week before my arrival to Alna. I will freeze some Usinger's brats and take them along with us. I don't know how well the potato salad would taste after being frozen so I probably won't bring any of that. As we have a 12 volt freezer/cooler for the car and a fridge for the camper (our campsite in Bar Harbor has electricity) the brats will stay chilled. Our plan is to head to Wiscasset on the 5th and stay overnight at the Maine Tasting Center. I can stop by Alna on that day to drop off the brats if you'll be around - let me know. If your facility has a fridge I can just leave them in there. We then plan to head to Portland on the 6th and see the sights there. My wife flies back home from Portland the afternoon of the 7th. I'll then be working my way back up to Alna to help out on the 8th & 9th. As my "solo" portion of the trip is "open ended" I might also be able to also assist on the "work weekend" if need be and logistics permit.

Thanks again,

General Discussion / Re: Who Am I? or, Let's Introduce Ourselves
« on: August 13, 2024, 02:12:14 PM »
Hello all,

I joined the WW&F Museum last Friday. I currently reside in a suburb of Milwaukee, WI. Like many other railfans, as a child I chased the local train (Milwaukee Road) through my hometown on my bike. I started modeling in HO scale during middle school. In high school, Bob Hayden & Dave Frary inspired me to also model in HOn30. I then started collecting books and magazine articles on all of the Maine narrow gauge railroads.

My wife & I will be camping in Acadia the early part of October. I hope to subsequently stop by the museum and volunteer during the week of the 6th. If logistics permit, I hope to also attend the "work weekend".

I look forward to volunteering where I can.


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