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Messages - John Scott

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 10 - Official Work Thread
« on: January 04, 2025, 10:32:07 PM »
Those scarfed temporary filler plates are works of art. Thanks to Mike Fox for consistently providing such interesting detailed photographic records of the outstanding preservation work being performed at the WW&F.

Work and Events / Re: Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
« on: December 15, 2024, 01:06:50 AM »
Good extra information, thank you.

Work and Events / Re: Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
« on: December 14, 2024, 08:46:22 PM »
Not sure how one would uncouple those.

Volunteers / Re: May 2024 work reports
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:40:45 AM »
Journal bearing brasses?

If I am correct, 15 June 1933 was the day when locomotive #8 derailed, just below Whitefield, causing the immediate closure of the WW&F Railway - 90 years ago, today. The engine was hauling the daily train down from Albion and it tripped up on a broken rail. The following year, dismantling of the line commenced.

However, the imprint of the railroad on the psyche of the community (worldwide) was sufficiently indelible for good people to make the decision to rebuild what had been lost. That effort is now well advanced, as we all know.

Whimsical Weirdness and Foolery / Re: MegaMillions award to the WW&F
« on: January 17, 2023, 05:07:31 AM »
Anything to get from somewhere to somewhere!

Whimsical Weirdness and Foolery / Re: MegaMillions award to the WW&F
« on: January 16, 2023, 05:03:13 AM »
This is a marvellous thread. In reality, if the dream of untold riches were to come true, it would destroy the WW&F as we know it, today. It is the struggle that makes the organisation the success that it is. I dare say everyone is aware of that.

However, I am greatly stimulated by the brilliant notion of obtaining land from the town in order to build a new station for the WW&F on the site of the old Maine Central Wiscasset station!

I imagine that there must be land that would need to be secured, along the way, for that idea to bear fruit. How much land, in fact?

Work and Events / Re: Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
« on: November 12, 2022, 12:53:31 AM »
An impressive artefact. Really delightful.

Whimsical Weirdness and Foolery / Re: New WW&F Event
« on: October 01, 2022, 04:51:27 AM »
I am sure everything will come out, alright.

Massachusetts' Two Footers / Re: Edaville 75th anniversary
« on: April 29, 2022, 03:06:04 AM »
I started to learn about the Maine two-footers in the 1960s, when I read Linwood W Moody's excellent book. That led me to make the trek to Edaville, in 1972. There I rode the old mainline in Rangeley behind Monson #3.

All I am saying, really, is that Edaville was truly seminal when it came to the preservation of the Maine narrow gauge lines and Ellis D Atwood should always be honoured for the part he played. Moody, too.

Fifty years later, I see the collection at Sheepscot steadily growing and it gladdens my heart. It means that the next generation understands and it remains committed. These are more than just railroads, these are community connections from a simpler time.

Everyone involved with keeping these connections should enjoy a well-earned sense of accomplishment.

Volunteers / Re: March 2022 Work Reports
« on: March 13, 2022, 06:14:49 PM »
Agree, assisting a project that is both engaging and of lasting value, that fits well with the environment, in company with like-minded people, is the attraction for all of us.

Volunteers / Re: February 2022 Work Reports
« on: February 19, 2022, 10:01:19 PM »
True Maine backwoodspeople!

Museum Discussion / Re: Movie about #9: "The Nine Lives of #9"
« on: October 02, 2021, 01:14:29 AM »
A truly captivating movie that demonstrates that it is the people who matter most.

Work and Events / Re: Wheel Progress was made today at the WW&F...
« on: August 14, 2021, 09:12:08 PM »
These wheelshop photos are very interesting and greatly appreciated. Wheel work is of high importance on any railway. When I worked for a reasonably large integrated railway, rolling stock maintenance accounted for about 30% of outgoings and wheel work for about 30% of that.

Work and Events / Re: Wheel Progress was made today at the WW&F...
« on: July 07, 2021, 07:43:48 AM »
Great photo-essay, thank you.

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