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Messages - Bill Sample

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 21
General Discussion / Re: Keith Pratt
« on: August 11, 2024, 11:17:12 AM »
A bit on Keith Pratt's life on PEI and his interest in railways can be found here:

Maybe I'll find my way to Campbellton PEI later this month if I have time and see if anyone has any info on the famous bell of #18.

General Discussion / Re: Keith Pratt
« on: July 24, 2024, 02:02:52 PM »
SR&RL #18 Bell, part one:  Back in 2007 I talked with Allan Fisher about this bell.    Allan was involved with trying to retrieve the bell and return it to the Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad (Historical) at Phillips.
As I have cousins on Prince Edward Island I get there almost every summer for a visit and asked if I could help.  Allan told me that as of August 9 of that year Keith Pratt's wife told him that "they were still working to get the bell back to the SR&RL."  IIRC the 2007 Bell Hunt was launched by the appearance a photo of a bell on the ground in front of the church which was thought to be #18's bell removed from the church.  The Bill Sample Detective Agency's International Division leaped into action and after interviewing 3 people in various parts of the small village I found that the photo was of the bell BEFORE it was installed in the steeple back in the late 1930s.  It was still there but not in use due to some problem with the mounting.  We had even brought Sue's larger Sue-baru wagon to haul the treasure and I had a copy of an email from Allan stating if the decision to return it to Maine had been made, I and my faithful assistant Sue were authorized to help the Pratt's and the (SR&RL) museum by bringing it back. 
As it was still in place in the steeple our work was done, and I didn't have to worry about explaining bringing the bell back to its ancestral home in Maine to any inspectors at the border. 
One other note - I believe that the late Herschel Boynton, a SR&RL engineer into the final years of the operation, was involved with the bell gift. 
SR&RL #18 Bell, part two:  Maybe I should stop by Campbellton next month when we return to PEI....
If Allan is reading this maybe he has additional information he can add.

Those crosspieces just cry out for classical glass insulators to create an open-wire telephone line.... ::)
-John M
John I was thinking the same thing!

Museum Discussion / Re: Finding the WW&F on Facebook
« on: January 09, 2023, 10:55:35 PM »
Uh oh - I'd better warn the troops down here in RMNE and Naug Land that the WW&F is nipping at our heels!

Volunteers / Re: PHONE LEFT AT PERCIVAL HOUSE - 8/6/22
« on: August 09, 2022, 09:45:14 PM »
Sue found it in the bathroom at the Percival House.  She was happy that it got back to the rightful owner and had been talking with Ron earlier that day.

Volunteers / Re: August 2022 Work Projects
« on: August 09, 2022, 09:41:47 PM »
Get well soon, Fred!  I'm sure someone willl save your seats for you.

It is so nice to have a First Selectman who "gets it" - it was a real pleasure to hear what Ed Pentaleri had to say.

Volunteers / Re: New Breakfast Location
« on: May 08, 2022, 08:52:03 PM »
We've been to The Cracked Egg, 560 Gardiner Rd (ME 27) north of Wiscasset several times.  Great food and staff. 

Museum Discussion / Re: Steam and Sleighs makes The Bangor Daily News
« on: February 14, 2022, 09:50:13 PM »
Excellent account, Gordon!  Thanks for sharing the winter two-foot experience.

A number of years ago Sue and I were slogging through the shore line mud and we saw what sure looked like the top of a rear tank from one of the earlier engines - this was over the left outfield fence.  Being in salt mud I don't know how much is left today.  There had been some discussion on the Forum on this, which IIRC was used as a water tank in or near the car shop.

Volunteers / Re: New Breakfast Location
« on: August 12, 2021, 11:59:24 AM »
Thanks, Dwight, I'll let the "CT-NY Expedionary Group" know.

Museum Discussion / Re: Steaming Together: Arrivals and Departures
« on: August 08, 2021, 07:22:47 AM »
Once again thank you everyone for your hospitality and all the effort that went into the Annual Picnic Steaming Together event.  Sue and I had a wonderful time and it was so good to see our WW&F friends and projects in person. 

Work and Events / Re: Wilmar (the) Tamper - Official Work Thread
« on: January 26, 2021, 10:37:02 PM »
I just emailed a friend in Australia the news.  He will be pleased to learn that Wilmar landed at its new home at the WW&F on January 26, a very much celebrated holiday (Australia Day) in its native land.   

General Discussion / Re: Steam Shovel found in Michigan Lake
« on: June 12, 2020, 09:02:47 PM »
We have a well-known submerged steam shovel in central CT.  The top of the boom is visible on the northeast side of CT route 9 near Berlin. It's in a flooded clay pit, brick making was common in the area.  Supposedly there is narrow gauge quarry trackage in the pond as well.  I heard the pit's pumps quit, it flooded and the owners gave up.  I have heard other accounts concerning what happened, but none revealed when this took place.

Volunteers / Re: May 2020 Work reports
« on: May 02, 2020, 07:31:12 PM »
If I knew your meetings were so concise I would have joined - I had a quarterly meeting of the Railroad Museum of New England at 3pm and since I'm the secretary I had to set myself up for our first ever general membership meeting.

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