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Messages - Stephen Piwowarski

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Volunteers / Re: Volunteer Recruitment Day, September 14th
« on: September 15, 2024, 02:28:03 PM »
Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to make our volunteer recruitment day a success! We had lots of interest from a variety of folks who I expect we will see again. A special thanks for recruiting folks to come- personal connection is great and a big motivator for people to get involved.
It was also a really good time (with great food) and yet another day that reminds me of the best things about the WW&F.

We’ll take a break for the winter, but hold two similar volunteer recruitment days next year. If you connected with someone at the event, try to keep them in the loop on stuff happening at the WW&F.


Volunteers / Volunteer Recruitment Day, September 14th
« on: September 07, 2024, 09:29:49 PM »
Hope you are all well.

I'm reaching out because we have our second and final Volunteer Recruitment Day of the year next Saturday September 14th. Our hope is to encourage prospective volunteers to get involved in our activities at the railroad and show them the kinds of work we do and the fun we have while doing it.

The plan is for the day to be split into three segments. It will span from roughly 10AM until 2:30PM

Our timeline for the day is as follows:
10 to 11 a.m.: Small group tours of Sheepscot, to learn about our campus from the volunteer perspective (like where to sign in, get personal safety equipment, eat lunch, etc) Tours will begin at the Percival House with sign-in and depart from there.
11 to 11:30 a.m.: Lunch in the Percival House
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Mixed train round trip to experience the restored railway, with a volunteer project along the way.
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.: Volunteer opportunity information sessions. Prospective volunteers can meet with department heads to discuss work in which they are interested.
2:30 p.m.: A raffle to close out the day.

To make a good showing for the railway, I hope that you can make it down to help share what we do. Word will be going out in the form of press releases to local news outlets this week, and also on social media and other similar ways. Perhaps most importantly, if you are comfortable, I'd suggest reaching out to a friend, coworker, or others who you think might be interested in what we do and personally inviting them- that sort of recruitment usually pays the highest dividends.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for things we may have missed.

Steve Piwowarski

Museum Discussion / Re: Sheepscot Station platform shelter
« on: September 05, 2024, 10:04:01 PM »
I just want to point out that, based on the photos given from their own page, the one of the roof structure is clearly not part of the Wiscasset station nor was it apparently part of the renovated building in Edgecomb.

From the photo of the building as it’s currently situated, you can see that the south facing wall of the current building (with the bay window) was the track facing side. So the long wall of the original rectangular building was incorporated as the short wall of the renovated, larger rectangular structure. That’s supported by the matching fenestration and door orientation of the current west wall in comparison to what was originally the south wall as situated in Wiscasset. The reconstruction is approximately twice the size of the original station.

Well, we wrapped it up for this year’s Windsor Fair today. Throughout the fair, we probably reached over 1,000 individuals and shared information about what we are doing and how people can get involved. A huge thanks to everyone who made our presence at the fair a success this year including Dave Buczkowski, Bob Holmes, Ed Lecuyer, Dan Malkowski, Stewart Rhine, Nick Simoneau, and Bruce Wilson who all gave time to ensure that our exhibit was attended throughout the fair. As with most things we do, there are already ideas afloat for how we can enhance the exhibit for next years fair and some even bigger, exciting possibilities for what we might do in the future that I’m sure will surface at the appropriate time.

Again, huge thanks to all who gave your time and energy

Steve P.

Volunteers / Re: August 2024 work reports
« on: August 31, 2024, 07:14:52 PM »
Bruce Wilson and I continued to attend the WW&F table at the Windsor Fair; the fair will continue for the next 2 days, during which time you can come visit us adjacent to the sawmill that the railway used to serve.

Hi All,

We need a volunteer who is willing to help out Sunday afternoon at the fair. We've had good luck on getting folks for every other slot, but that one is a bit tough, so if you are able to help out, let me know and I will send you the information.

Meanwhile, our presence at the fair has been a tremendous success. By the end of the Fair we probably will have had well over 1,000 people stop by our display to learn about the WW&F, its history, and our current offerings. Several of us are already planning ahead for next year and how we can plan an even more interactive, exciting display.

Steve Piwowarski

I suppose if we like them, we could buy 1 at $45 and use it as a pattern to make many more for less.

Hello All,

This week I received some more information regarding the upcoming Windsor Fair. First of all, I (and anyone else willing to lend a hand) will be setting up the exhibit at the fairgrounds on Friday August 23, in advance of the fair opening on Saturday.

According to Laurie Thomas from the Windsor Historical Society volunteers do not need to pay admission on the days they are working and we also provide breakfast and lunch during certain hours, along with coffee and bottles water.

So far Bruce and I will be helping; if there are others who are interested, even if it is only for one day, that would be a huge help in spreading out the burden of responsibility for our displays there. Plus- it's a great fair! If you've never been, I feel it is one of the best around.

Email me at if you would like to help, or respond here!

Thanks and take care,

Volunteers / Re: August 2024 work reports
« on: August 14, 2024, 06:29:53 AM »
Also, one of the handcars will be traveling to Ellsworth with Dave and I for New England Steam Cos. Touch a Train event. We will leave the other car accessible for Handcar rides on Saturday.


Work and Events / Re: New roadside sign
« on: August 08, 2024, 06:12:04 PM »
Hi All, the sign was made by museum member Peter Knight of Danville, VT. He is a sign-maker and woodworker and offered to make the sign for us at cost of materials and donated the labor to build the sign. He delivered the sign about a month ago, then Joe kindly took on building the frame and the result is what you see here!

Thanks to all who made this happen!

Hello All,

This year the WW&F has been invited by the Windsor Historical to have a presence at their site during the Windsor Fair. This is a major opportunity for us to get out and connect with people in our locale who actually live within a convenient drive of the railway. Many of them probably have not heard of us before. For starters, the fair has an estimated attendance of 150,000 throughout the week. And there will be opportunities, I am sure, to connect with people who were connected to the WW&F's pre-1933 operations, which always means interesting stories, etc.

We are planning on bringing the handcar (as a static display) along with other materials to the fair this year. It would be incredible to have a representative of the Railway on site during these times.

I am committed to getting the displays set up ahead of the fair and spending a day at the fair, but since it is the week before school, and I am a teacher, this is a difficult time for me to dedicate an entire week (its the week we need to go in for lots of meetings and prep for students). Because of this, I am reaching out to all of you to help staff the exhibit during the fair. I think we might even get exhibitor passes (I will check on this) which means entrance would be free.

Also, if you are are train crew member please consider that when considering helping out with this in the interest of making sure we have fully crewed trains. We can will endeavor to find non-operating crew volunteers to cover the slots on operating days.

If you are interested in helping out with this, please respond here or email me at

Thank you!
Steve Piwowarski

Hi All,

Given the recent discussion and charettes relating to the eventual construction of an exhibition and archival space on the campus at Sheepscot, I thought I would share the following, which is a tour of the narrow gauge exhibition at Stoomtrein Katwijk-Leiden. The video also gives a pretty good overview of the layout and construction of their exhibition building, which might also be helpful. Check it out here:


Hi All,

Attached below is a link to the narrow gauge exhibit at Stoomtrein Katwijk-Leiden. This is probably the best exhibit that I've seen on the subject of narrow gauge, and it has several details I hope we can emulate in our own exhibits at the WW&F. Check it out.


Hi All,

Last summer my family had the opportunity to visit Netherlands during August for the wedding of a friend and we got to explore several very interesting heritage railway operations while we were there. One was Stoomtrein Katwijk-Leiden, which is actually the most expansive collection of narrow gauge railway equipment in the Netherlands. This organization has gone to great lengths to interpret the interesting variety of narrow gauge railways and operations in the Netherlands and runs a very interesting operation, with exciting plans for the future as well.

You can check out a video of photos and clips here:


It's all built of PT so that's not an issue. Brendan, Joe, and all of the others who worked tirelessly on this- thank you. It looks and works wonderfully. Can't wait to take our first mixed train of the season out from Sheepscot Sta. tomorrow.

Thanks again!

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