« on: January 06, 2017, 10:00:44 AM »
I thought that I could set a few personal goals that involves the museum this year and one is simple; become a lifetime member. The other is much more complex but I have been doing research for the last year as to what/how to accomplish this goal. I will try to start the drawings for W.W.&F. #s 54 & 55. I have been looking at the 1925-1940 era industrial switcher designs and trying to hypothesis what the RR would have done to have built or home-built for a possible transition/mixed use of non-steam locomotives if the RR lasted past 1933. Granted, the use of very common current day engines/drive train would be used to keep running costs down, but the sheet metal body would reflect the era's styling cues and operating routines. I know many might be reluctant to have such locomotives at all, but I see it as an opportunity to do something for the long term life of the RR/museum and keep it inline with a "what if" timeline, as well as providing a locomotive the is as heavy as the steam locomotives to serve as back-up power and use for work trains to save wear and tear on the more valuable locomotives in the collection. Please feel free to ask me anything, I am still drawing up the basics of the specifications. Also, I don't want to step on any toes by posting this, so if it is a bad idea or not welcome please let me know.