Other Narrow Gauge / Sandy Ridge & Clear Lake Ry
« on: July 05, 2019, 08:14:49 AM »
Hi, I hope this isn't out of bounds for this board.
Our railway follows the Maine two foot protocol on 7.5 inch gage. We were so blown away at the Portland convention that we became life members. Anyhow, we have 2 Forneys that are back in steam after major work.
Here is a pic of #10 with Marty Knox checking her out after his work got her back in steam again.
Tom C.
Our railway follows the Maine two foot protocol on 7.5 inch gage. We were so blown away at the Portland convention that we became life members. Anyhow, we have 2 Forneys that are back in steam after major work.
Here is a pic of #10 with Marty Knox checking her out after his work got her back in steam again.
Tom C.