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Topics - Pete "Cosmo" Barrington

Pages: [1]
As many of you were aware, it was QUITE windy the morning of Saturday 10/12/2024, the first official day of the Work Weekend.
I was fortunate enough to have arrived at SS with ample time to amble about the campus before catching the second train up the line to deliver stone to the worksite. Several times I found myself with my hand clamped firmly atopt my noggin literally holding onto my hat, lest Mother Nature have her way with my long(ish) but relatively tame hair. Nonetheless, I boarded the 9 am departure without much incident, but increasingly aware of the ever stiffening wind. Somewhere ahead of the back of my mind was the thought of the wind taking my hat on an excursion.
WELL! Sure enough, as we barely left SS and headed into the first curve North of the tank- WOOSH!!
I SWEAR I only took my hand off the top of my head for a SECOND- but that was plenty enough for the Gusty Lady of the Wood, and away went my signature head covering! Fortunately, the combined din of the train and thew wind kept my lone companion, the Conductor, from hearing what must have been some choice Official Naval Communication.
Fortunately, the Conductor saw what was happening and marked the location of my now errant cover as it soared off into the wild and came to rest in the ditch on the West side of the train-
UNfortunately, the Engineer was diligently watching the track ahead so he was blissfully unaware of the situation with my fedora AND the Conductor's attempt to signal him to stop, so we continued on to AC.
Thankfully Mr Fox and friends were already at AC, so we relayed the hat situation to them and they eventually got word back to SS to send a search party.

At this point, I wish to express my regret to anyone who may have had an early Halloween experience due to my ever-wilding  appearance during the work session.
I assure you, werewolves are NOT real, and that was not the Boogeyman working diligently beside y'all.  ;)

So, despite having to adjust my mane every couple minutes, I actually managed to contribute to the jacking, tamping, and lining efforts, after which we all returned to SS for a home-cooked "dinner that couldn't be beat!" And wouldn't you know it, I was reunited with my fecklessly wandering chapeau in good order and none the worse for wear!
Special thanks to all those who helped return my hat to me. I've had many hats over the years, but this one is quite special and now has yet another story of adventure attached to it's history.
I'm very happy to have it returned to the peak of Cosmo's Rock.
Thanks guys, and remember: Hold on to your HAT! ;)

Museum Discussion / Plowing Ahead - Snow removal discussion
« on: March 04, 2023, 10:16:42 PM »
It seems to me the snow has come later in Maine and  Alna than the previous years but now it looks like to catching up  on the time. Have a nice Sunday Mike.
Yeah man, ... I've been saying for over 10 years now that it seems like they've been pushing winter just a little more to the right each year. ;)

Museum Discussion / Music Festival?
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:24:01 PM »
I have been saying for a while now we should consider a weekend long music festival of some kind. Let's hope this event continues and someday grows to the point where we'll need to use Albee's Field to host it. ;)

Volunteers / Victorian Christmas 2013
« on: November 24, 2013, 03:39:43 PM »
I assume it's not to early to discuss this.
What's the date for the event this year?

Volunteers / Member Access to Meeting Minutes
« on: December 04, 2010, 10:28:35 PM »
Can we get any kind of report on the meeting, what was discussed?

Whimsical Weirdness and Foolery / Rocky & Bullwinkle
« on: April 16, 2009, 05:33:30 PM »
Aside from the obvious "Bert & I" connections, humor and railroading go HAND-IN-HAND!
Think about it,...
EVERY Vaudvillian rode the teain to get to the next show!

"And now for something we hope you'll REALLY like!"
                                 -R. J. Squirrel

Maine Narrow Gauge RR Co. & Museum / News and updates?
« on: February 17, 2009, 07:07:20 PM »
Since the old MNGRR forum is (apparently) toasted beyond recognition, might I suggest using this space for news/updates on MNGRR< at least til they get a new server?
I'd love to know what else is going on up there. ;)

Maine Narrow Gauge RR Co. & Museum / More MNGRR Forum troubles?
« on: January 25, 2009, 11:03:57 PM »
Something seems to  be up wih the MNGRR Forum on Phbb!
Apparently (according to the message) the site is under "New Management" and should be available by "tomorow night"... (but who knows when that is?)
Apparently it needs "any forum member" with thier full "Forum URL" to request it's being unlocked.

General Discussion / Navy Service
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:27:55 PM »
"... Machinist [Mate] in the Navy," eh?
Where were you stationed? (Not much ocean in AZ ;) )

Volunteers / Patton moment...
« on: November 13, 2008, 08:27:15 PM »
Blockin? We aint blockin NUTTIN! >:(
(Opps,... "Patton moment  ;) )

Museum Discussion / Recieved: SEP/OCT 08 Newsletter!
« on: September 27, 2008, 02:17:45 PM »
Just got my September/Ocober '08 WW&FRR Museum Newsletter in the mail today. I was DULY impressed! While it may not have been the biggest ever, it was ceartainly one of the "meatiest."
After seeing all the grants the museum has recieved recently on a single page, one TRULY gets a feel for how well recognized the museum is. Add to that that amongst the NRHS grants given, WW&F got the largest of 13! Now THAT'S impressive!
Also, re-reading the naratives of the brake-equipment instalations on Coach 8 & flat 126 was still captivating, ev en though I remember reading the entire narritive (from BOTH authors) on  here not so long ago.  ;)
I think of all the reports on #9's progress this was perhaps the most detailed and most encouraging, as it points to things going back together after the complete dissasembly.
And that's not to mention the report of the anual picnic & photo shoot which my  daughter and I were fortunate enough to attend. ;D
The folks who crank out the newsletters definitely need and deserve credit and support for thier role in keeping those of us "from-away-ers" informed on the progress "Up Nah-th!"
Great job guys! Hope to see yu all around Thanksgiving time  ;D

Pete Barrington,
Norwich, CT

Maine Narrow Gauge RR Co. & Museum / Franklin St?
« on: August 04, 2008, 02:35:09 PM »
What's the word on the RR getting back to Franklin Street? Is the developer that won the bid the more "NG Friendly" one?
Word from the museum (except for the B&SR flanger) has been pretty scarce lately.

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