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Topics - John Scott

Pages: [1]
If I am correct, 15 June 1933 was the day when locomotive #8 derailed, just below Whitefield, causing the immediate closure of the WW&F Railway - 90 years ago, today. The engine was hauling the daily train down from Albion and it tripped up on a broken rail. The following year, dismantling of the line commenced.

However, the imprint of the railroad on the psyche of the community (worldwide) was sufficiently indelible for good people to make the decision to rebuild what had been lost. That effort is now well advanced, as we all know.

The Original W&Q and WW&F: 1894-1933 / Head Tide Station
« on: October 01, 2019, 03:42:49 AM »
Head Tide continues to be my favourite wayside station. It is my ambition to ride a steam train there, one of these days.

The accompanying image shows the idyllic location of Head Tide. The business-like nature of the station and its positional relationship with the historic and famous Head Tide Church can be seen.

The Original W&Q and WW&F: 1894-1933 / Postal Receipt
« on: July 18, 2018, 07:57:08 AM »
Here is an item that must have ridden the original train from my favourite station - Head Tide.

The Original W&Q and WW&F: 1894-1933 / Pay Check
« on: July 18, 2018, 07:44:08 AM »
I have come across an employee pay check from 1929. The name of the employee appears to me to have been E A Brown - but it is hard to be sure because the handwriting is difficult to decipher. Does anyone have information about that employee?

The Original W&Q and WW&F: 1894-1933 / Head Tide Wreck of 1905-09-12
« on: October 03, 2016, 11:10:07 PM »
Somewhere under that lot there must be a locomotive. It is interesting to see how the landscape has changed (I think).

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