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Messages - Hunt Dowse

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Swiss lake steamer operations
« on: May 08, 2023, 03:55:18 PM »
Here's a video of the steam operation of a Swiss lake steamer.  They have almost horizontal high and low pressure pistons due to space restrictions.  It's a good explanation of steam operations in general and specifically to the lake steamers in Switzerland.

Work and Events / Re: Spring Work Weekend 2022 - is ON!!
« on: April 11, 2022, 08:23:33 AM »
Lodging Update:  Wiscasset Woods Lodge will be open for SWW.  I received this note just now from the new manager.

Good Morning,

Yes we are opening April 15th and I have lots of rooms available.  I will be able to give a 15% discount for WW&F customers.
This year we will have our dining room open for free break buffet style.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Trish Jacques
Manager, Wiscasset Woods Lodge
596 Bath Rd (Route 1), Wiscasset, ME 04578
207-350-3838 cell

Museum Discussion / Re: WW&F is on the TOP 10!!
« on: December 17, 2021, 08:34:23 AM »
Might just get your wish….

Work and Events / Re: Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
« on: April 01, 2021, 04:19:14 PM »

Same results as Bill and Dave on my iPad.  Text but no graphics on the home page.

Museum Discussion / Re: Merry (Victorian) Christmas - 2020 Style!
« on: December 25, 2020, 10:32:45 AM »
Watch for the flying Santa hat at 2:10 (not 3:00).....

Museum Discussion / Re: Merry (Victorian) Christmas - 2020 Style!
« on: December 25, 2020, 08:38:10 AM »
What a great video Christmas card!  See if you can find Santa's cap flying high around the 3:00 mark. ;-)
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Museum Discussion / Re: Museum Supporter is also in need
« on: May 02, 2020, 05:28:47 AM »
Also done.  I hope all of us who stay at the Lodge during SWW and FWW can help them out. 

Volunteers / Re: October 2019 Work Reports
« on: October 02, 2019, 12:17:27 PM »
What’s the old car event on Saturday?

I plan to be there for the full FWW to help out where needed.  Here’s hoping Lightning and Co. will be there to set the pace.  New folks should jump right in by asking the track boss where they can help. 

Museum Discussion / Smithsonian RR tours and the WW&F
« on: January 24, 2019, 03:34:13 PM »
Friends of ours sent along a link to the Smithsonian railroad tours and included is the Railroading in New England tour which visits the WW&F.  Of interest is the itinerary, cost (!) and the description and pictures of the WW&F.  Familiar faces in a few shots.  Link:

Volunteers / SWW '19 - Wiscasset Woods Lodge will be open
« on: November 08, 2018, 01:31:46 PM »
I received this note from Saundra at WWL yesterday explaining that the lodge will be open Thursday 4/25/19 for Spring Work Weekend.  This will be good news for many of the traveling troops headed to SWW.  Here's her note:

Hello Hunt,
We had a successful closing and have learned that many of our staff plan to return to work with us next spring. In fact at least one person in each department will be returning (and even 2 maids). Because we feel we will be able to open for a busy weekend without having to first train staff into their positions. Because we had so many requests to be open, we are going to do a trial opening on Thursday, April 25th in order to be available for the work weekend.
We will literally open on the 25th, so we ask that people be patient if things aren't quite working as they should or if we come up against a few technical difficulties.
Please help spread the word and again, we ask for people's patience if anything goes haywire that weekend.
Wiscasset Woods Lodge

Work and Events / Re: Trout Brook Bridge - Official Work Thread
« on: September 06, 2018, 06:41:32 PM »
Spectacular progress!  Love the UTBW Local 1894 on the span.  Can't wait to see everything up close during FWW.

My wife and I were in Farmington, Maine on Tuesday and went into the used bookstore Twice Old Tales on Main St.  In the Maine section they have the two volume set of Jones' book.  They are $80 apiece and in very good condition.  There are a few other RR related books there, all pretty pricey.

My family has a camp near Farmington, ME so I'm familiar with most of the SR&RLRR including the segment Philip mentioned.  In fact, a few years ago my so and I ran from Reeds along Orbeton Stream up the grade all the way to the crossing into Redington, where we were careful to stop at the Navy's sign prohibiting access into their survival area.  One part I recall is when my son, a ways ahead, came jogging back, thinking he was being a good guy and checking on his Dad, he exclaimed, 'there's a moose on the trail, what do we do?'  I suggested we make lots of noise and keep going.  The moose ambled off into the woods paying us no attention.
A few years after that, I hiked up the grade but found it badly overgrown after Sluice Hill since the snowmobile trail had been rerouted and no one was taking care of the brush.  Anyone been up there recently?

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