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Messages - Ed Lecuyer

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Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 11 - Official Work Thread
« on: February 11, 2025, 08:45:34 PM »
Build Locomotive 11 - February 2025 Update

The WW&F’s latest Build 11 work session was held on January 14 - 16. We’ve completely assembled the lead truck (less springs) and equalizer components, continued to machine small and large components and are closing in on tramming the shoes and wedges.

Quentin Bethune continued machining the front cylinder head castings that he started last work session.

Quentin has since taken these home where a friend drilled 7 equally spaced holes on his CNC mill.

Joe Monty continued work on the rear coupler. He’s shown here rounding the coupler end.

Gordon Cook fabricated a shoulder washer to be installed in the lead truck cross bar along with the pin and sleeve he machined at home.

The lead truck assembly is now complete, less springs. Gordon installed the spring hangers and pins, machined at home.

We finally received the clevises which, along with the threaded rod, connect the lead truck equalizer to the transverse equalizer. Harold Downey rounded over the inside corners of the transverse equalizer hangers (not shown) between work sessions.

On Friday Jan. 17, the team visited Mountain Machine Works to review their progress. Here we see driver centers, tires and counterweights ready for assembly.

Harold Downey has spent numerous hours and taken hundreds of measurements to set up accurate tram wires. He’s now in the process of transferring and scribing reference marks on the shoes and wedges. Harold will then finish machine these components to ensure absolutely correct alignment with the cylinders and frame.

Our 2025 fundraising has begun! To date we have received $14,615 – BUT every donation is MATCHED by an anonymous member bring us to nearly 25% of the $120,000 goal for 2025. Remember, you can make your matching donation directly by check to the museum, or use a credit card to donate via:

Thanks for your continued support and interest in the WW&F!

Check out this YouTube series of someone (unnamed) who has acquired two 2' Davenport 0-4-0Ts and is restoring them to operation. One of the locomotives was (I kid you not) blown apart with dynamite!

It's a great series so far with great explanations, etc.

Monthly updates are planned.

Museum Discussion / Re: Rail for extensions available from museum in WI
« on: February 07, 2025, 01:50:46 PM »
The WW&F BOD is aware of the roughly 1.2 miles of 60# rail that is for sale in Wisconsin. A proposal is being discussed - and there is a BOD meeting this Saturday @ 4pm during which members are invited to attend and voice their support or concerns. As always, we count on our members and friends to fund and support any acquisition of rail and possible further extension of the railway.

Museum Discussion / Re: Reviews, Thank You's, and Messages of Encouragement
« on: February 03, 2025, 12:33:27 PM »
Google, 5 stars...
Beautiful cold winter day. Perfect for a Train/Sleigh ride. Sealyon Farm is very nice. The campfire was very welcome. WW&F Railroad is great place to take a glimpse into the past. Thank you for great day!

via email...
It was a great time! Thank you!

Volunteers / Re: February 2025 work reports
« on: January 31, 2025, 10:17:38 AM »
Dave (plow guy) is aware of our situation and intends to plow us first.

Volunteers / Re: February 2025 work reports
« on: January 29, 2025, 06:12:53 PM »
Anyone who can help dig out the platform and walkways (and extra parking spaces) before we welcome 250 or so visitors on Saturday (starting at 10am) would be MUCH MUCH appreciated.

April 25-27, 2025 - And added to the thread title.

Volunteers / Re: January 2025 work reports
« on: January 18, 2025, 05:31:06 PM »
Mike, Brendan, Dave, Ed and myself moved a shed from the Albee farm

I was more of a gawker than a worker. I left before the shed made it to AC. Here are a couple of "before" photos; I don't know if Mike grabbed any of the shed at AC.

Maine Narrow Gauge RR Co. & Museum / Re: Development in Portland
« on: January 15, 2025, 11:41:53 AM »
An additional news video:
Includes shots showing how the equipment is currently located.

Work and Events / Re: WW&F No. 11 - Official Work Thread
« on: January 14, 2025, 10:20:02 PM »
Build Locomotive 11 - January 2025 Update

$120,000 CHALLENGE - Put Build 11 ON THE FAST TRACK!

One of our members and long-time supporters has a challenge for the WW&F - raise $60,000 in 2025 to build locomotive 11 and he will MATCH each donation, dollar for dollar, up to $60,000! This will allow us to hire additional contractors to assist our volunteers in fabricating and assembling the locomotive.

Challenge 1: More Volunteers!
We need skilled machinists and fabricators who would like to assist us at our shops in Alna, Maine (or occasional work from home.) If you are interested, please email and we will put you in touch with the Build 11 team.

Challenge 2: More Speed!
With increased volunteers aiding and overseeing contract labor and outside vendors, we hope to significantly reduce the time needed to complete the locomotive.

Challenge 3: More Money!
We've been challenged to raise $60,000 by an anonymous donor who will MATCH every donation dollar for dollar! So if you give $100 to help us Build 11, it will be matched with an additional $100. Thus, our total goal for 2025 is $120,000 - a big ask for sure - but with the locomotive taking shape, we're confident that our members, friends, and followers will be up for the challenge

We have a huge challenge ahead of us in 2025 - which will put us on the fast track to getting the locomotive completed as soon as possible.

January 2025 Work Session Report
Our most recent Build 11 work session was held December 12-14. We’re continuing work on the forward suspension components and lead truck. Rick Sisson drilled the remaining holes in the perimeter angle which will support the locomotive’s rear deck.

Quentin Bethune began machining the front cylinder head castings, work which will require a few work sessions to complete.

Lead truck assembly continued with Gordon Cook, Rick and Joseph Gilbert installing fitted bolts machined by Quentin. As you can see, these were packaged and labeled in a very professional manner.
We then test fit some of the forward suspension components using pins machined by Gordon. Here we see the lead truck assembly nearly complete, with the lead truck equalizer fitted, the transverse equalizer supported by overhead straps, and the transverse to lead truck equalizer connection mocked up with another strap.

And Joseph Gilbert is demonstrating the main equalizer and spring hanger motion.

Gordon transported new piston, crosshead, and rear coupler castings from Springfield, Massachusetts to Sheepscot. Immediately, Alan Downey began machining the piston heads.

Other Recent Work Included:
  • Harold Downey, Quentin and Gordon machined the crosshead guide yoke support brackets and they’re ready to install on the forward frame.
  • Harold completed rough machining and fitting of the shoes and wedges between work sessions.
  • Harold and Rick spent more than a day setting up and troubleshooting the tooling we will use to tram the engine. After many hours of fits and starts, we determined that the bushings supporting the rotating shaft were binding and forcing the shaft end (and trammel points) out of position. Harold modified the bushing and eliminated the binding and the tooling worked perfectly! We started, and Harold will finish making measurements so that he can finish machine the shoes and wedges.
  • Quentin Bethune has started to machine the front cylinder heads. Gordon transported new piston, crosshead, and rear coupler castings from Springfield, Massachusetts to Sheepscot.
  • The entire team planned for our presence at the RR Hobby Show in Springfield, MA - Jan. 25 & 26. Stop in and say hello!

Thank You for Your Support
We appreciate everyone's contributions to the Build 11 project - together we are making what was considered an impossible dream a reality. Please consider helping by contributing on our revised donations page at Recurring monthly donations of $11 are much appreciated. Know that every dollar you donate will be matched in 2025 - allowing us to put locomotive 11 on the fast track!

Google, 5-stars...

A wonderful place for train enthusiasts big and small! A great team of volunteers that are preserving a piece of rail history. Always evolving, so there's something new to check out. A beautiful train ride on a narrow guage steam engine.

Moderator Announcements / Re: NEWSLETTERS!!!
« on: January 07, 2025, 10:47:14 PM »
January / February Newsletter is posted at: (4-digit code required as password.)

US Two Footers / Re: Stumbled upon this on YouTube
« on: January 06, 2025, 07:35:10 PM »

Comments from Facebook in regards to the successful testing of the Eames Automatic Vacuum Brakes:

Wow! The WW&F keeps doing such amazing work. I remember when you first announced the project and thinking "wow, that will be cool if it works, but what an undertaking". Then again that's been my reactions to *most* WW&F project announcements, and then you do them. One after another. Amazing work.

This is nothing short of impressive! The fine folks at WW&F continue to show off their dedication and passion for a very niche, but none the less important part of railroad preservation. Good job to all involved and congratulations!

Work and Events / Re: Eames Train Brakes - Official Work Thread
« on: January 01, 2025, 12:00:56 PM »
how will this change railroad operations?

For the immediate winter operations, it is likely that handbrakes will still be used; although additional testing may be done on the vacuum system, pending weather and other factors. And there are other cars that will need to be equipped (notably open car 131) before the system is fully deployed.

Once everything is tested and crews are trained, most scheduled passenger trains will be operated via vacuum brakes controlled from the cab, as opposed to brakemen using hand brakes responding to whistle signals. Special consists, etc. will likely continue to use hand brakes and brakemen for the foreseeable future.

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