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Messages - Steve Zuppa

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Museum Discussion / Re: Reflections on 30 Years of the WW&F
« on: August 13, 2019, 03:30:28 PM »
Ah, the good old days. When we used skill, ingenuity and hand tools to build a dream. When we shared a vision. When we all pulled in the same direction. When we gave whatever we had if it would further the goals of the Museum. When we became the darling of the restoration community by doing the seemingly impossible with next to nothing. All the while being what we jokingly referred to as "the best kept secret in Lincoln County". When a diverse group of folks became friends and ultimately ( do I dare say it?) family. When we didn't aspire to be the more than what we were. I miss the good old days.

Museum Discussion / Re: WW&F 2018 in Reveiw slideshow, and speech
« on: October 12, 2018, 01:28:12 PM »
I'm a cog. Only in my case it means "Crippled Old Guy".

Work and Events / Re: Fall Work Weekend 2018
« on: October 05, 2018, 02:54:28 PM »

As I perused the number of posters on this one topic, I made a surprising discovery. All but two of the posters were active (and in some cases EXTREMELY active) volunteers. That simple fact alone (at least to me) would lend their opinions far more weight than those of someone who do not volunteer on site on a regular basis.

At the risk of shattering the Museum's long standing acceptance of any and all opinions, I would humbly suggest that this discussion is toned down a mite.

Steve Zuppa
24 year member
21 year volunteer
15 year board member
9 year President
Current BS Watchdog

[Moderator's note - Post edited slightly.]

Work and Events / Re: Mountain Extension - Official Work Thread
« on: September 24, 2018, 02:15:23 PM »
Thank you, Jason, for bringing Mike's contribution the attention that it deserves. Most of us (but Mike especially) quietly go about our business and seek no fanfare. In the back of my mind, I was aware of all Mike had done on this project but it was only upon viewing the last series of photos that I wondered if everyone realized what a big deal this really is. Now they do.

Work and Events / Re: Mountain Extension - Official Work Thread
« on: August 02, 2018, 03:47:57 PM »
The above mentioned article was sometime around 2006-2007 if memory serves correctly.
The activity described took place on Nov. 22, 2003 and was highlighted in the Jan/Feb newsletter of 2004. I incorporate it into my on train patter when I'm conductor.

Work and Events / Re: Trout Brook Bridge - Official Work Thread
« on: May 18, 2018, 04:34:55 PM »
I heard roll roofing.

Volunteers / Re: January 2018 Work Planning
« on: January 22, 2018, 11:15:32 AM »
I'm in.

Volunteers / Re: December 2017 Work Planning
« on: December 29, 2017, 09:51:46 AM »
If we had bacon, we could have bacon and eggs, if we had eggs.

Note to self: Refrain from drinking coffee while reading the forum. Sudden laughter is bad for the screen.

Work and Events / Re: Trout Brook Bridge - Official Work Thread
« on: October 23, 2017, 02:43:41 PM »
Thank you, Bill. I was going for "svelte" but I think that ship has sailed. All kidding aside, we made some nice progress today.

We could use some bodies at Alna Center to help organize activities on Saturday. It's light duty but necessary.

Work and Events / Re: 2017 Fall Work Weekend Projects
« on: September 22, 2017, 02:29:44 PM »
As much as I am forever grateful to Nancy for the contributions she has made (and continues to make) to the Museum, let us not lose sight of the fact that we have always (sometimes smugly) patted ourselves on the back about how much we have contributed to the local economy. While I now live in the immediate area and no longer stay at local motels nor eat breakfast out, some of these local business owners look forward to our participation (You don't think Tina at Ship's puts out WW&F mugs on the table year 'round, do you?) and while I personally feel that the Wiscasset Woods Lodge (the old Wiscasset Motor Lodge of Bill and Nancy Gillies fame) shot themselves in the foot by deciding not to open until May, it should not herald a sea change in Museum volunteer's interaction with the locals. That's IMHO (which I just discovered means "In my humble opinion" Ain't the internet grand?) Of course, like my Dad used to say, maybe I should just "save my breath to cool my soup". You decide.

Work and Events / Re: Ice Cream Social II 2017 images
« on: September 01, 2017, 02:09:36 PM »
As Stephen's extraordinary (so what else is new?) photos will attest, a good time was had by all at our second Ice Cream Social of the year. While the numbers were down slightly from July(190 vs 230), I was struck by how many of our visitors this time actually "got" it. We strove to put on an old-fashioned, low tech, family oriented event that would not require a second mortgage to enjoy and we NAILED it.

 I recall one family (husband, wife, 5 kids ( the youngest was six months old), in-laws & friends) that stayed for four hours. They brought snacks, played lawn games, flew kites (or tried to), blew bubbles and relaxed among dozens of their (now) closest friends. I ran into the dad from this group at the Alna General Store on Monday and he was still raving about the good time he and his family had and while I consider this entirely beside the point, he was more than generous in the donation box, as well. 

Whether they were local folks who consider us a community asset or first time visitors who only discovered us that day, the thanks expressed to the  Museum crew for putting on this event was  gratifying, to say the least. I don't know what these  people  have come to expect when they go out to spend their hard-earned recreation dollar but the word used most often when referring  to our organization was "welcoming".

I can live with that.

That's what I like about this organization. Doing it right ALWAYS trumps getting it done.

Work and Events / Re: Coach 9 - Official Work Thread
« on: April 18, 2017, 03:24:20 PM »
IIRC, according to Jason's research, the interior trim in coach 3 that we always thought was mahogany, was oak. If that's the case, trim supplies should be readily available.

Volunteers / Re: A few stories ...
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:46:55 AM »
Last week, during our Victorian Christmas prep, our neighbor, W&Q Board Member and town selectman Doug Baston and his wife Barbara stopped by the Museum on their daily walk. After some chit-chat about our expectations for the event, Doug mentioned that he had received an email from a friend in St John, New Brunswick, bringing to his attention an article in the St John Telegraph-Journal. The author had apparently attended last year's VC and urged his readers to make the 500 mile round trip as our celebration would justify the effort required to attend.  We were quite flattered at the international publicity but thought no more of it.

When I saw them on Saturday, I mentioned the conversation to Santa and Mrs. Clause. During the course of the day, Mrs. Clause, as is her wont, would ask people where they were from. In the early afternoon, Santa heard one woman, there with her family, say that she was from St John,NB. He then asked her if she had seen the newspaper article and she affirmed that she had and that was what prompted her to make the trip. She assured Santa that it really is a wonderful event that the volunteers host.  

The weather may have brought down our numbers this year but for those who were there, including our new friends from St John, it was a magical day.

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