Mike, Jerry Steinke and Dwight Winkley arrived early and got the fires going. Dave Buczkowski, Stewart Rhine and I joined later. A few photos...
The view from the doorway of Alna Center station looking west. Obscured a bit by the front end loader and stone piles, the pavilion will be erected in the opened field beyond, running lengthwise east to west.
A reverse view looking east from the planned western end of the pavilion, looking over the opened field toward the 12.30 p.m. train from Top of Mountain at Alna Center station. Jerry, Mike and Dwight work the field and fires. The hardwood logs are a bonus, to perhaps be used for flatcar loads during the Maine Two-Foot Winter photo events in January and February, and definitely for firing steam locomotives next year.
Later in the afternoon, we see one of two large white pines that were dropped. Jerry works on limbing the tree as Mike tends a fire...
...while Stewart, Dwight and Dave offer emotional support. I was working hard, taking photos.
The view looking west around 2 p.m., before I had to leave. Mike operates the Kubota moving hardwood logs, as Jerry tends a fire.
As the field has opened the past two weekends, I've gotten a sense how nice a most-weather event space this will be. Another step in making all our station stops a popular public destination.